My office md nad hr are mentally harrasing me

(Querist) 30 December 2012
This query is : Resolved
I am working in a mnc in noida .here from last 3 months my MD has started mentally harrising me by different , different ways.Furthur the Hr is also treating me in very rude manner .
I think that they are willing to terminate me but there is no such point on which basis they can do this so for this they are preparing a ground on which they can proceed.
plz help and guide me that is there any legal action i can take against them.
(Expert) 30 December 2012
Keep quit until end of his harassment.Or file the complaint to Police and Labour Department

(Expert) 30 December 2012
Better resign from the post and find some other job for your mental peace before the management terminates your service.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 30 December 2012
it is better to quit an organisation wherein you are mentally harassed by MD . look for alternative job

(Querist) 30 December 2012
this is not fare for if i resign ,i too wanted to resign the company but after teaching them a lesson .So please guide me in which way i would be able to teach them a lesson

(Expert) 30 December 2012
Wish you the best, if you are able to teach them a lesson. But, being in subordinate position, it is always difficult to teach a lesson to the authorities in power, unless they are caught on the wrong foot.
However, with canual nature of your query without any instance of harassment, I don't think anybody would be able to guide you how to teach them a lesson.
So, to make the things fair, better hire some good advocate, show him the proof of harassment or wrong doings on the part of the management and discuss every pros & cons of your case with him in person.
Best of luck!
Nadeem Qureshi
(Expert) 30 December 2012
Dear Aditya
you have right to file a complaint in this regard before labour commissioner or Inspector for harassment by MD or HR, in Noida The Labour Commissioner Office is in sector-2, Noida.
feel Free to call

(Querist) 31 December 2012
my company has issued me the given below notice plz help and guide what to reply back them.....
Dear Aditya,
Inspite of multiple feedbacks and warnings(written and verbal) given to you on various occasions to avoid from indulging into acts pertaining to misconduct, insubordination and use of indecent language (Ref : Email conversation dated 27/12/2012) with co-employees, you have repeated the same on various occasions without apology/regret of your misdeed.
You may please note that any misbehaviour, insubordination and disrespect towards fellow colleagues is a serious misconduct within the meaning of standing orders applicable to you. Your repeated action is despite the fact that your seniors/ managers have advised you and even warned orally and in writting for the same, hence this show cause notice is being issued to you.
Please show cause why action should not be taken against you for misbehaviour and insubordination, within 3 days (including non-working days) of the receipt of this show cause notice, failing which company will proceed further in the matter.
Your prompt action in this regard is expected.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 09 January 2013
It seems that you have only very few days in this company. Better to talk personally and get your full and final accounts and peacefully leave the company.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 09 January 2013
deny the allegations and offer to quit the company

(Expert) 09 January 2013
Dear Aditya,
When you are not able to recognise the warning signals, adhere to the advice of the experts, and bent upon teaching them a lesson, rather to resorting to your safe escape, what you can expect from the experts, when you feel our advice to be not fair?
In fact, you are inviting more and more troubles for you from the management by sticking to your post and paving a way for your termination from service on the ground of indiscipline.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 09 January 2013
In totality, you should cover your issues as earliest as possible.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 09 February 2013
Expert producing a copy of notice you have not stated what is there which you term as harassment.
Every employee who is proceeded against for misconducts calls it harassment.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 09 February 2013
All in all you are preparing for a life long lesson to have once branded as "undisciplined"