Non payment of telephone bill from tata indicom
(Querist) 16 February 2012
This query is : Resolved
Dear Friends
I am Mr.Raaj from Bangalore, I had a TATA Indicom Land Line telephone and I had not used the same for more than one year and I was paying monthly bill accordingly Rs.2500/- + service tax, and one fine day, when my assistant advice me that we are not using the telephone and paying monthly rental every month I decided to disconnect the same. On submission of disconnection letter to TATA Indicom outlet nearby on 24.11.2011, they refused to accept the same and advised to send a email to customer care, I had send the same accordingly on 03.12.2011 stating to withdraw connection with immediate effect. But they never turn back and I stopped making the payment with immediate effect. and after one month one of there executive came to collect outstanding due I refuse to pay the same. Now I have received a legal notice from TATA Indicom, Kindly advice.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 16 February 2012
you have to reply to legal notice . narrate all the facts of the case .
pay up the outstanding dues and disconnect the phone connection .
Deepak Nair
(Expert) 16 February 2012
You reply the notice as suggested by Mr.Sethi.
Attach a copy of the e-mail sent to customer care to the said reply for better clarification.
Mention the resopnse of the local Tata outlet when you approached for disconnection.
You can also make complaint to TRAI stating all the facts.
(Expert) 18 February 2012
You cause a reply notice through an advocate, explaining the position.