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On Court Marraige

(Querist) 22 November 2008 This query is : Resolved 
I hav a friend who's planning to go for court marriage since she does not have her family's approval. I am committed to help. Now the lawyer which we have hired is demanding her to produce Ration Card and L.C. I'm not sure whether these things are required for marriage as i hav known many people to run and court marry, so i don't think they wud be running carrying Ration cards with them.
One more thing, as i m also a witness to this marriage, what are my liabilities and future contingencies
Also if u can plz update me with the appx chgs and outline the whole procedure.
Thank You
smilingadvocate (Expert) 22 November 2008
First let me know whether the marriage is from the same religion orinterreligion, if it is inter religion you can go for registrar for marriage that what you say court marriage, at the registrar of marriage they require ration card orany address proof, and let me know from which state they or you belong and if both are muslims they can approach any kazi where in he will perform marriage basing ontheir age proof and hewill give u a marriage certificate and a nikka nama, if they are HIndu's they can approach Arya Samaj people who perform the marriage where in also you have to produce age certificate. coming to you being witness to be a witness to a elop of marriage a lot of dareness requires and other aspect is if u are witness when the time necessitiates u require to give evidence as to the proof of marriage,except that u have no liability.
RAKHI BUDHIRAJA ADVOCATE (Expert) 23 November 2008
before giving any opinion I want to talk u in person. U can contact me at:-

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