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Pay protection rule for central government employee who join public sector undertaking/enterprises

(Querist) 14 June 2016 This query is : Resolved 
Hello Sir,

I am a Central Government employee in pay band of 9300 - 34800 with grade pay 4200 now my basic pay is 11460 and grade pay 4200 and selected in public sector undertaking in scale of pay 9400 - 25700.
I have applied through proper channel with NOC from my present organisation. I have cleared written Examination, Medical Examination and attended pre induction training in concerned organisation.when i have received the offer of appointment they have not mentioned any clause in respect of pay protection.

please sir, specify Will i get the benefit of pay protection or not?

and what are the pay protection rule for a central government employee who join public sector undertaking through proper channel.
P. Venu (Expert) 15 June 2016
The pay scales are different; hence there is no question of Pay protection per se. However, your may seek higher starting pay, if there is a real loss of emoluments.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 16 June 2016
I agree with the expert advise of Mr. P Venu.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 16 June 2016
Public sector organisations have their own service conditions. Go through the service conditions.
AMIT RAWAT (Querist) 17 June 2016
Hello Sir,

I Am Amit Rawat......

As per organisation pay and allowances rule :-


5.1 The pay of an employee on his first appointment to a post in service of the
Corporation shall normally be fixed at the minimum of the time scale
applicable to the post in which he is appointed.

5.2 Where any person is appointed to a post to which a time scale is
applicable, has been in continuous service for a period of not less than 2
years in any Department of the Central/ State Government/ PSU/
Autonomous Body/ University etc. prior to joining NSC, and was drawing
Basic Pay above the minimum of the scale of the post in which he is being
appointed, his starting pay would be fixed after protecting the pay drawn
by him in his/ her parent company/ department subject to the condition
that he/she was governed by the same DA pattern in his/her parent
organization as applicable to the post in NSC. In cases, where DA is
dissimilar, the starting pay will be fixed after protecting pay plus DA
drawn by him/ her in his/ her parent organization.

Pay of a departmental candidate selected against the open advertisement
will be fixed as on promotion.

5.3 Higher initial pay upto a maximum of 5 increments may be granted by the
Appointing Authority on the specific recommendations of the Selection
Committee or a representation made by the concerned employee before
joining NSC. In making the recommendation, the Selection Committee
should, however, take into consideration qualification, experience, merit,
performance in the interview and existing emoluments including perquisite and other benefits already being enjoyed by the candidate in his previous organization.

Note: As a corporate policy, not more than five advance increments over
and above the minimum of pay scale shall be granted in any case.


(a) The corporation reserves itself the right to modify, cancel or amend all or
any of these rules or any supplementary rules/ amendments thereto
issued in connection with these rules without previous notice of its
intention and the right to give effect thereto from the date of issue or from
any other date.

(b) In case of doubt or dispute in regard to the interpretation of these rules
and/ or the supplementary rules and or amendments issued thereto, the
decision of the Chairman-cum-Managing Director shall be final. However,
he may at his discretion seek a decision of the Board of Directors on
matters involving substantial questions of policy. The CMD will have the
authority to relax any of the provisions of these rules in respect of a
category or categories of persons for reasons to be recorded in writing.

(c) In case any aspect related to these rules is not covered, the matter shall be
referred to CMD along with rule position applicable in Government of
India/ other major PSUs, for taking a final decision, which shall also be
updated in these rules.

This is the rule.

I am a central government employee more than 2 years of continues service.

As per this pay and allowances rule , should i get the pay protection of my present pay.

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