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Presence of advocate during witness statement.

(Querist) 28 July 2016 This query is : Resolved 

1.If any reason Advocate is gone outside the Court Hall by very little bit of time,then Court is allowing to take statement of complainant / witness or adjoining to next date.
2.Advocate is missing is any Tactics to Harassment for Complainant / witness.
3.Once Advocate and complainant & witness are reported on date of hearing notice at Court then Advocate is gone outside during call of Court, Statement can take at witness box without the Presence of Lawyer.
P. Venu (Expert) 28 July 2016
Please state the material facts
Guest (Expert) 28 July 2016
An advocate committed to professional ethics shall NOT move out of the courtroom once his matter is called.

What statement are you talking about?? There are 164 statements, and others whereby the court examines the complainant/witness.

Absence of counsel at such stage shall render him incapable of cross-examination!

Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 28 July 2016
1. Depend on the court.
2. Facts not enough to advice.
3. depend on the court.

Please state material facts.
Guest (Expert) 28 July 2016
Respected Ld. Advocate Members: Pardon me my curiosity, but wouldn't it be prudent if we do not implore the querists to state material facts. Queries not supported by material facts should be left unanswered, in my opinion....

After all, there is no serious "counsel-client" relationship involved here!
R.K Nanda (Expert) 28 July 2016
State full facts.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 28 July 2016
Post full facts.
adv.bharat @ PUNE (Expert) 28 July 2016
Without material fact no advice is possible.

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