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Release of commercial property sec 4/17 land acq.act.

(Querist) 25 October 2013 This query is : Resolved 
dear sir,
a commercial property acqusition notic under sec 4/17 land acq.act in uttar pradesh govt.
the owner filed a writ in the high cout to quash the acqusition, and it was accepted to maintain the status. owner still hold the possesion and doing his business.
In the year 2012 govt of uttar prdesh issued a G.O to release all properties, and given order to D.M,and Lucknow development authority to release the above propertis.and to inform the govt.but they did not take any action on the above matter,till now.
one of the owner is interested in selling his property but he has no clear document from the govt. except the photo copy of the G.O. issued by the state secratery.
please give your kind advice.
Thyagarajan (Expert) 26 October 2013
Registrations of sale of property is controlled by the sub-registrar.
He may be having directions given by the government of specified properties under land acquisition and subsequent release.
The owner can show the copy of G.O that ordered of release and get no objection from him for the owner to do as per his wishes.
P. Venu (Expert) 26 October 2013
You may bring the GO issued by the Government to the notice of the Hon'ble High Court where the WP is pending.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 26 October 2013
I do not agree with both experts. The concerned persons needs to get the mutation changed in his name from State of UP so that he may be shown as owner to that property and only thereafter he can sale it as desired.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 26 October 2013
Agree with the expert raj kumar makkad ji.
mukesh jain (Querist) 27 October 2013
Respected Makkad ji, All documents,mutation, is in the name of owner the khasra,khatuni and all nagar nigam taxes,electricity bill are paid by the owner. as per the records till date. The mutation has never been changed by the U.P. govt.thanks. plz advise.

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