Remove shops as per notice recive from muncipal corporation
Querist :
(Querist) 08 November 2015
This query is : Resolved
Sir, 1) A total Approximately 80 shops are give on rent basis from municipal corporation as per Agreement of 11 Moths 2) After 11 Months Not Renewel Agreements of All Shopkeepers.but paid anual rent regularly also possessions are approximately 15 to 30 years , municipal council also sanction transfer some a shop purchaser from original tenant after agreement renewal is not donea 3) In 80 shopkeepers 43 are Permanent Structure & Others are Tin Sheds 4) Now Municipal corporation is receive caveat from CJSD for as per development plan to develop a road at least 60ft so shopkeepers total shops are remove as above reason development a road 5) Also Came a Notice of All Shop Keepers from Commissioner Municipal corporation as per bombay provincial municipal corporations act, 1949 Section 81B Subsection 1 (b) (C) & Section 81 (2) for your Possession is illegal & Use illegally So Why Not remove Shops for a Public Purpose Develop a Road Call On Explanation of Writing & Also Hearing on Commissioner Muncipal Corporation 6) As Above Condition what Can to do? Can I File A Case ? Which Court (CjSD or Hiogh Court) ? Can Get A Stay on above Municipal corporation process? Which Court (High Court or Civil Court) ? Can Rehabilitation of All Shopkeepers in Suitable place Any Provision ? can i file case against municipal corporation for Rehabilitation of All Shopkeepers in Suitable place this purpose ? Plz Give Detail Acts Provisions & Also High Court & Subprime Court Sytations
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