Reply to Cease & Desist Letter of Trademark infringement
Shradha Kumari
(Querist) 06 March 2010
This query is : Resolved
Can anyone provide me the Sample Reply to Cease & Desist Letter of Trademark infringement received from counsel of the complainant company?
(Expert) 30 October 2010
Unless the contents of the letter are known, it would be impossible to furnish a draft reply.
(Expert) 30 October 2010
Unless the contents of the letter are known, it would be impossible to furnish a draft reply.
(Expert) 30 October 2010
You are using the trade mark. You know - whether your trade mark is registered or not; how long that you have been using the said trade mark; further whether or not you are infringing anybody else's trade mark; whether the allegations contained in the letter are true or false; based on these facts you have to reply to the letter received from the Complainant company.
If you hand over the case to a trademark lawyer your task would become easier.
The choice is yours. No other readymade reply template can be made available for such cases.