Sale of share
kunhi marakkar
(Querist) 24 December 2021
This query is : Resolved
I am a cowner of my deceased father's property.civil court allowed partition suite on this property.but execution petition not filed yet.can I sell my share on this property to a third party who is not co owner in this property.should i waite until judgement on EP ? Can I sell my share to one of co owners of this property? Because dicision taking long time due to busy in court
(Expert) 24 December 2021
When the property suit is pending with the court, you cannot sell your share. Pray the court through your own counsel for early disposal of the case due to some troubles.
Advocate Bhartesh goyal
(Expert) 25 December 2021
You can sell your undivided share to anyone but can not handover possession till the legally division of property.