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sec-377 IPC

(Querist) 24 July 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Sex energy is given to man by the Nature for propagation of human species. the concommitant enjoyment is a device of the Nature like taste of our tongue. like tongue's taste faculty whose main purpose is to maitain our body if we use our eating habit arbitrarily our health is bound to fail. as the reasoning capacity of human being is infinite vis-a-vis animal the sex impulse in animal is controlled by the Nature Itself but in case of human beings the man himself is to put the reins. to indulge in unbridled sex is to go against Nature's plan.
Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Expert) 24 July 2009
yes ,unbridled sex is to go against Nature's plan.
homo sex is pront issue but, without concent 377 is stil remain there.
Manish Singh (Expert) 24 July 2009
the Delhi High Court has not consodered the isue f sex with other creatures except humans. the Court said that when two consenting persons are willing to do sth in private, may be into intimate relations, then they cant be held responsible for criminal action against them and this is heavily justified.
the Court did not considered the other part of the section which means that having sex with other creatures amounts to unnatural sex hence punishable under se 377.
we must respect this judgment as gays or lesbians are not a different creatures than us but as they are born like the wat they are, they tend to have sexually inclined the way they are. being gay or sth in not our hands... in afct it all depends on our genes which is responsible for the sexual behaviour we adopt.
just think over the issue that who wishes to go agaisnt the socity and being discriminated and made fun of all the time wherever he goes. nobdy wants that kind of life. but they are helpless as teyare born like that and cant help it.

we must respect their feelings...they are humans
Yes, I do agree with Mr. Manish. He explained very well.
charudureja (Expert) 30 July 2009
I agree with Mr. Prabhakar, there are forced circumstances which can lead to this behaviour.parents also need to keep a check on their children, sex education in these circumstances is becoming quite important and unavoidable from the childhood itself.

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