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Service matter in hon'ble hc

(Querist) 27 December 2022 This query is : Resolved 
I am a Party in person
To learned advocates/experts: kindly suggest , modify below Prayer, " it requires: It is, therefore,prayed that this Honble Court may be pleased to punish the respondents U/s 10 to 12 of Contempt of Courts Act,1971, for their willful disobedience of the orders the then Hon’ble APAT, Hyderabad date.21.01.2010 in OA No.XXXX/ 2006 and the orders of the Hon’ble High Court, Hyderabad date.02.09.2022 in W.P No.XXXX/2010, passed by Hon'ble Sri Justice Abhinand Kumar Shavili and pass such other order or orders as this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper in the circumstances of the case. "
for ready reference only.
(W.P is dismissed as infructuous on 02.09.2022 WP no.XXXX/2010 I decided to file a CC in Hon'ble HC,hyderabad,Respondents in OA Filed W.P in Hon'ble HC in 2010 for suspension of Order Passed by the then APAT Tribunal ,Hyderabad,the Tribunal windup in the year 2014 ,Cases transfered to Hon'ble HC, }

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 27 December 2022
nothing conveyed.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 27 December 2022
Without knowing the case details nor without seeing the case related papers no concrete opinion can be rendered and if any opinion rendered or suggestions made, it may be a misguidance.
If you have decided to appear as party in person then to overcome such technical glitches you may consult an advocate outside the court for proper guidance instead of proceeding blindly with half knowledge.
Pradipta Nath (Expert) 01 January 2023
Everywhere doctrine of saving cost doesn't apply.
P. Venu Online (Expert) 19 January 2023
Please provide complete facts.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 19 January 2023
please provide facts.

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