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Solar plant-is factory licence required

(Querist) 19 January 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Sir, would Factory licence under Factory Act be required for Solar plant of 2 MW wherein

i) Employees less than 10

ii) No manufacturing process carried on

iii) Power would be sold to State Electricity Board

iv) In state of Chhattisgarh

If Factory licence not applicable then which of the Labour Laws are applicable.


Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 19 January 2012
Generation Based Incentive
Grid Interactive Solar PV Power Generation Projects
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
Block 14, CGO Complex
Lodhi Road
New Delhi 110003
January, 2008
No.32/61/ 2007-08/PVSE
Government of India
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
With a view to develop and demonstrate technical performance of grid interactive solar power
generation, achieve reduction in the cost of the grid connected solar systems and the cost of
solar power generation in the country, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy will
support Grid Interactive Solar Power Generation projects as demonstration projects in the
country. The Ministry will consider support for a maximum capacity up to 50 MW during the
11th plan period. as per the guidelines and norms given below. The Indian Renewable Energy
Development Agency (IREDA) will assist the Ministry in fund handling, monitoring and other
associated activities in this regard.
The following are the broad guidelines for submission of proposals by the interested project
developers, details of incentives and other related guidelines.
1. Eligible Organizations
1.1 All existing registered companies, central and state power generation companies and
public/private sector PV power project developers who have set up or propose to set up
a registered company in India will be eligible for consideration of generation based
incentive. Individuals, NGOs, financial institutions, societies and other unorganized
investors are not eligible to participate directly.
2. Eligible Projects & Eligibility Criterion
2.1 Grid interactive solar PV Power Generation plants of a minimum installed capacity of
one MWp per plant at a single location will be eligible for generation based incentive.
However, one mega-watt capacity may be set-up through modular units to make one
megawatt at a single location.
2.2 A maximum cumulative capacity of 10 MWp of Grid interactive solar PV power
generation projects can be set up in a State.
2.3 Any project developer, who fulfills the procedural requirements and the guidelines
specified by the Ministry, will be eligible for consideration of generation based
incentive. Any project developer can set up grid interactive PV power generation
projects up to a maximum of 5 MWp capacity in the country, either through a single
project or multiple projects of a minimum capacity of one MWp each.
2.4 The gird interactive solar PV power generation projects will be undertaken on Build
Own and Operate basis.
2.5 Setting up of captive grid interactive solar PV power plant or captive utilization of solar
PV power is not covered under the generation-based incentive scheme of the Ministry.
2.6 In case any project developer is desirous of availing the accelerated depreciation
benefit for the project under section 32 of the Income Tax Act 1961, they would not be
eligible for generation-based incentive.
3.0 Procedures to be followed by Project developers for availing Generation base
3.1 The grid interactive solar PV power projects will be considered for generation based
incentive on first come first served basis, in accordance with the guidelines of the
Ministry and compliance of the procedural requirements for filing the
applications/requests for incentive. Mere information to the Ministry and/or IREDA
about the intention of the company/project developer to set up a grid interactive PV
power plant will not be sufficient basis for this purpose.
3.2 Before submission of application, the interested solar power project developers are
required to ensure compliance of all legal and procedural requirements and obtain all
necessary clearances from the concerned State Government/State Utility/State Nodal
Agency/local bodies and other organizations, as specified by the concerned State
Government and/or Central Government.
3.3 The state agencies and utilities will provide all assistance and support to the project
developers for evacuation of power from the project site, as done in case of other
renewable energy based projects, unless specific guidelines for solar power projects are
approved by the respective regulatory commissions, which are different from the
existing guidelines for other renewable energy projects.
3.4 The interested project developers are required to submit complete applications in
duplicate to the Ministry with two copies to IREDA. The project developer will also
submit copies of the DPR for the project.
3.5 For each project submitted to IREDA and the Ministry for generation based incentive
in the prescribed formats, among other details information on technical and
performance features, technical specifications, requirement and availability of land,
title of the land, capital cost, estimated life of the PV power plant, quantum of
electricity expected to be generated and fed to the grid, proposed sale price of
electricity from PV power plant, duration of power purchase agreement and power
purchase rate (s), arrangements for power evacuation and the time frame for installation
/ commissioning of the grid PV power plant etc. are required to be furnished.
3.6 On receipt of application, which is complete in all respect, the eligibility for
generation-based incentive will be examined in accordance with the guidelines of the
3.7 Applications which are incomplete or do not provide firm and clear information will
not be considered on first come first served basis. The concerned project developer will
be informed accordingly and the complete application will be treated as a fresh
3.8 On examination by the Ministry, if a proposal is found to be eligible, the prospective
developer will be informed whether the proposal falls within the approved limit of
installed capacity allowed for the concerned state. The applicant will also be informed
of the timeframe for installation and commissioning of the plant, which will normally
be as stated by the project developer, but not later than 31st December 2009. This
communication will not automatically entitle the project developer to claim the
generation-based incentive for any project, unless commissioned within the specified
3.9 The project developers will be required to install and commission the grid connected
PV power projects, within the time frame communicated at the time of acknowledging
the eligibility of the project. The first progress report must be submitted to the Ministry
with a copy to IREDA not later than six months from this date. In case there is no
progress on procurement and installation of the plant is noticed in the first six months
after the eligibility has been communicated, the Ministry may consider cancellation of
the project. In case of progress in the first six months and subsequent delays in
completion of project work beyond the specified completion date communicated to the
project developer, Ministry will impose penalty by reducing the incentive by 1% for
each month of delay, subject to a maximum of 5%. In all cases even the delayed project
should be completed by 31st December, 2009, failing which the Ministry will review
the decision to provide incentive for that project.
3.10 Considering the possibility that the full capacity of maximum one MWp be
commissioned in phases by modular commissioning, incentive would be calculated on
the commissioning of a minimum of 250 kWp and above and sale to the grid, but the
disbursement of the incentive would begin only when a minimum capacity of one
MWp is commissioned and power sold to the grid.
3.11 All eligible projects will be inspected by a team consisting of officials from the
Ministry, concerned state nodal agency, utility and IREDA before the project starts
feeding power into the grid and only after the satisfaction of the team regarding
compliance to the requirements, the project will be approved for generation based
incentive. The generation-based incentive will be approved only after demonstration of
satisfactory commissioning of the plant at the project site and its interfacing with the
grid of the utility.
3.12 While the generation based incentive scheme is applicable to the entire country,
preference/priority would be given to those projects, which are proposed in the States
that have approved and/or notified tariff for solar power.
3.13 A dedicated electronic meter or any other meter (s) as specified and approved by the
utility will be installed at the point of power evacuation and/or any other point as
specified by the utility. This will be used to monitor the quantum of net electricity
being fed to the grid from that project.
3.14 The PV power project developers are not allowed to use any other source of power
generation along with the solar PV power project. No other power generating source
will be connected to the same meter which is used to monitor quantum of PV power fed
to the grid from the grid connected PV power plant. At any time after the PV power
plant is connected to the grid, if it is found that any other source of power generation is
in use or have been used to feed power to the grid through the same meter at that
project site, that project will not be eligible to receive generation based incentive. Inhouse
consumption of PV power generated from the grid interactive PV power project
shall not be eligible for incentive. In other words only sale of power to the grid is
3.15 The grid interactive solar PV power plants, which receive generation based incentive
will not be transferable to a new management or sold to any other company without
prior written approval from Ministry. In the event of transfer without prior approval
from the Ministry, generation based incentive will not be continued for that PV power
generation project. However, the Ministry may review the project afresh and decide
about new quantum of incentive for that project, if any, for the remaining period.
3.16 PV power project developers shall not avail accelerated depreciation benefit under
Section 32 of the Income Tax Act 1961. The PV power project developers who submit
their applications to the Ministry with a copy to IREDA and required to submit a
declaration to this effect. On approval of the project, IREDA will enter into an
agreement with the project developer, among other matters, in this regard. If any
violation of this condition is found, IREDA will immediately stop release of
generation-based incentive to that project and refer the matter to the Ministry.
3.17 Third party sale, banking and wheeling of power is not permitted while availing
generation-based incentive.
3.18 The project developers will maintain a record of power generation, incident solar
radiation on the PV array surface and other technical features of the power plant for the
entire period during which they will receive incentives. A copy of the data should also
be available in electronic form. This record will also be made available readily for
verification / audit purposes, if required.
4.0 Generation based Incentives
4.1 Wherever the state electricity regulatory commissions have fixed a separate tariff for
solar power or they fix the tariff for solar power during the period for which the
Ministry is providing incentive, the utilities will offer a minimum of that tariff to the
solar PV grid interactive power projects in their respective states. In absence of such
tariff orders, the utilities will offer the highest tariff for purchase of power to the PV
power project developers, that is being offered by the utilities for purchasing power in
their respective states on medium term or the highest tariff being provided for purchase
of power from any other energy source for which orders/guidelines are already issued
for that State. The PPA would draw reference to the orders of the State Electricity
Regulatory Commission’s order in this regard and enclose copies of the same. The
Ministry will not consider proposals, which do not follow these guidelines on power
purchase agreements.
4.2 The Ministry may provide, through IREDA, a generation-based incentive of a
maximum of Rs. 12 per kWh to the eligible projects which are commissioned by 31st
December, 2009, after taking in account the power purchase rate (per kWh) provided
by the State Electricity Regulatory Commission or utility for that project.
4.3 The maximum amount of generation based incentive applicable for a project will be
determined after deducting the power purchase rate for which PPA has been signed by
the utility with a project developer, from a notional amount of Rs. 15 per kWh. In all
cases the maximum amount of generation-based incentive shall not exceed Rs. 12 per
kWh. In case the project developer has submitted to the state electricity regulatory
commission or the utility or to the Ministry an application, where a lower power
purchase price or sale price of power from the proposed grid connected PV power plant
has been sought, in that case the generation based incentive will be determined with
that amount as the base and a lower rate of incentive will be approved by the Ministry
The project developers will be required to submit documentary proof and give an
undertaking about correctness of this information.
4.4 Any project that is commissioned after 31st December, 2009 would be eligible for a
maximum incentive with a 5% reduction and ceiling of Rs. 11.40 per kWh.
4.5 The generation-based incentive will continue to decrease, as and when the utility sign a
PPA for power purchase at a higher rate. The proposed annual escalations agreed with
the utility, as in force, should be reflected in the PPA.
4.6 The generation based incentive approved for a grid interactive PV power generation
project may be available for a maximum period of ten years from the date of approval
and regular power generation from that project, provided the utility continues to
purchase power from that grid interactive PV power plant.
4.7 The Ministry may, at any given time, even before 31st March, 2010, announce a new
generation based incentive and guidelines, which will be applicable to all such
proposals / projects that have not been approved by that time.
4.8 The incentive will be released by IREDA to the eligible PV power project developer on
quarterly basis, on receipt of certified information about the net electricity fed to the
grid from the PV power project during the period of claim. The concerned utility will
provide such information to the project developer on periodic basis. The PV power
project developers will be required to produce a certificate from the concerned utility
about the solar PV power purchase rate granted by the utility for eligible projects, each
time they seek funds from IREDA towards generation-based incentive.
5.0 Technical Performance Optimization
5.1 With a view to encourage technology development and reduction in the cost of the PV
power plant projects, the PV power project developers are expected to utilize the state
of the art technology to set up the plants. They are expected to use large capacity and
higher power output PV modules available for the specific technology used in setting
up the power plant.
5.2 Qualification of PV modules, to be used in grid interactive power plants, in accordance
the standards issued by BIS or IEC 61215 certification or other international
certification on qualification of PV modules will be necessary. The interested project
developer will give an undertaking in the application to use such modules and provide
to Ministry and IREDA copies of such certificates either at the time of application or
latest at the time of the first progress report. Non-compliance of this requirement will
result in withdrawal of approval for generation based incentive.
5.3 The electronics, cables, controls, structures etc. must qualify to latest BIS or
international standards which are acceptable to utilities and which fulfill all safety
norms for grid power projects. The PV power project developers will provide a copy of
the test certificate(s)/ report(s) latest with the first progress report.
5.4 The PV power project developers are required to optimize generation of electricity in
terms of kWh generated per MWp of PV capacity installed vis-Ă -vis available solar
radiation at the site (may be obtained through use of efficient electronics, lower cable
losses, maximization of power transfer from PV modules to electronics and the grid,
maximization of power generation by enhancing incident radiation by optional methods
like seasonally changing tilt angles etc).
5.5 The gird interactive solar PV plant may be connected to preferably 33 KV grid line to
minimize power transfer losses. However, the choice of grid voltage may be
determined in consultation with the concerned state utility.
5.6 PV power project developers will be required to maintain and provide to IREDA
technical information on daily solar radiation availability, hours of sunshine, duration
of plant operation and the quantum of power fed to the grid. The project developer will
install suitable instruments, meters and data loggers for this purpose. This information
will be provided at the time of seeking reimbursement from IREDA. This will help in
estimation of generation in kWh per MWp PV array capacity installed at the site.
6.0 Monitoring
6.1 The PV power project developers will install suitable instruments and make adequate
arrangements to monitor the performance and ensure satisfactory operation of the grid
connected PV power plants.
6.2 IREDA will make suitable arrangements to monitor the progress and performance of
the grid interactive solar PV power generation projects.
6.3 The concerned state nodal agency may also visit the project site and provide their feed
back and recommendation to IREDA.
6.4 All PV power plant projects will be open to inspection by the officials from Ministry,
IREDA, concerned state nodal agency and any independent organization appointed by
the Ministry/IREDA for performance monitoring.
6.5 The Ministry may also undertake field evaluation studies for any of the grid interactive
solar PV plants through professional and independent organizations.
7.0 Progress Report
7.1 The project developers of all approved projects will be required to submit annual
progress report about the project and the annual report of the company, which has set
up and own the grid interactive PV power plant.
8.0 Solar Thermal Power Generation
8.1 The broad guidelines specified above will also be applicable for grid connected solar
thermal power generation projects.
8.2 The generation based incentive for solar thermal power generation project will,
however, be limited to a maximum of Rs. 10 per kWh. The same method to determine
the eligible incentive will be adopted in this case.
8.3 The technical performance optimization parameters will change as necessary.
8.4 The maximum capacity of 50 MW would apply to solar thermal projects as well.
9.0 Further continuance of the scheme, restructuring of the incentive scheme would
depend up on the success of the scheme during the stipulated period.
The application format is available on the website of the Ministry (
For any clarification please contact :
Dr. T.C. Tripathi
Adviser (Solar)
Telfax No. 91-11-24361932
Dr. B. Bhargava
Director (SPV)
Telefax No. 91-11-23461891
prabhakar singh (Expert) 20 January 2012
I appreciate search efforts of dear Makkad Ji.
Advocate. Arunagiri (Expert) 20 January 2012
Mr.Makkad is always updating his knowledge and dedicating his precious time for the benefit of the querist. He never leaves a man empty handed, who is seeking advice.

He is the valuable asset not only for the LCI and also for the common man who needs legal advise.
A. A. JOSE (Expert) 20 January 2012
Yes, Mr.Makkad's efforts are laudable indeed.
Sailesh Kumar Shah (Expert) 22 January 2012
No requirement for further addition.

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