Tax calculation
(Querist) 31 March 2019
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir/Madam,
I do intraday trading of equity shares. no other instruments like F&O or commodity etc. there was Rs.5000/- in my trading account on 1st- april-2018 and I began trading and had been trading with the money for entire year and on today 31- march-2019 I still have Rs.6,108/- in my trading a/c. In this period ( 1st April- 2018 to 31 March- 2019). whatever profits I have earned turned into ;losses. in the meanwhile, I have never withdraw any money from my trading a/c..
Well in this scenario will I have to pay any tax & how much?
or will I have to fill a return too??
please answer to my questions.
Thanking you
(Expert) 01 April 2019
Quite a vague query! How much profit you earned and how that turned in to loss, when your trading account has increased from Rs.5000 to 6108?