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Title/ ownership right of floor constructed and under occupation since 30 years

(Querist) 29 April 2015 This query is : Resolved 
A freehold plot was registered by my father 50 years back on the name of my eldest brother since he was to raise loan from the department to complete construction of single storey.It remained joint family venture till 86. A family agreement(unregistered and without witness in attendance) written by father and duly concurred by the eldest son whose name the property was registerd, was sent out to all brothers and sister. Youngest two sons were permitted to construct their respective floors and the existing floor went to the eldest brother. These three brothers compensated the 4th brother as per directions contained in the agrrement. There is no will. two floors were constructed with self financing but it stood in the name of the eldest brother. Subsequently he declared ownership right and freedom to use respective floors by his younger bothers. He also declared that he had not spent any penny on these floors though water and electricity meter remained on his name. House tax was shared by three on completion of two floors. First Father died and eldest brother also passed away suddenly due to heart attack. family deed remained in draft state. Ground floor was occupied by his widow, and with partition in between, two sons. First and second floor remained in possession of the respective younger brothers for 18 years before they physically moved in after retirement. New Water and elecricity meters after obtaining NOC from the legal heirs, were installed/ trqnsferred on their names and rather sharing , they started paying house tax for their own floor. After that nephewes started misbehaving and harrased 2nd floor occupant being a widower and all alone by himself that he handed over possession of his floor in exchange of some token money. For 18 Years after death of brother, the property was not mutated on the names of legal heirs wife and two sons. Within two months of mutation second floor only the constructed portion without roof right, was sold on three times the amount paid to uncle to some close friend the eldest nephew. Then the younger uncle on the first floor became target but he withstood the slaught. He and his family is continuing to occupy his floor. Unfortunately younger nephew expired followed by mother, widow of the late eldest brother, original registered owner. Now first a partition deed was struck between eldor son and the widow of the younger son and in that it has been declared the complete three floors were constructed by thier father.They have 50 % of the Ground floor, and roof which was in common usage of three floors occupants till than and where water tanks are located and also unconstructed area on the second flloo. And the first floor under occupation of uncle is shown as common. After this she sold off one half the grund floor ander within year she rented out her new flat and in calendestine manner under the garb of temporary shed constructed fabricated shed with bath room and tiled and AC fitted room. The mounty is used as kitchen.Access to roof has been denied by putting lock and kitchen enroute.Plan is to rent it out to PGs and subsequently claim further share in case building is sold. She once again disturbed peace and also unlawfully served legal notice demanding rent for the floor.First notice was duly replied. Without disclosing notice she moved to another lawyer and repeated the notice. As senior citizen and retired senior army officer one feels cheated and disheartened after spending hard earned money he had to face such painful situation. However 7 months have elapsed since issue of 2nd notice but there is no furthe development. Advice is sought how to remove an un approved ftabricated structure from the roof now falsely claimed as floor, where no one used as dwelling place. Secondly what remedy is available to obtain title to floor under occupation for 30 years with owned meters, and house tax receipts for 10 years with affidavit from the original owner. What are the irregularities and improprities committed in all transactions done by tal heirs in overtaking the 2nd floor, on mutation document selling it , getting partition deed without any court clearance, claiming solo right on the roof etc. What is leg he leg al implication of issuing a notice of rent/ eviction and not following it up with proper court case.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 03 May 2015
Query too lengthy to be answered, be brief so that experts can have a quick look at it to advise.

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