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Unscheduled employment of minimum wages act 1948

(Querist) 24 June 2017 This query is : Resolved 
Sir/Mam, I am employed in Air Force Canteen, Bamrauli, Allahabad which is governed by Air Force Official but as a private firm. e.g. My firm is a private firm which nature of work is a retailing. As per meaning of appropriate government of the Minimum Wages Act, it falls under central government that means I should get the rates of MWR of Central government but the SHOP is not a scheduled employment of central government. THE SHOP is listed in stage government scheduled employment. I REQUIRED A JUDGMENT WHICH WOULD BE PASSED IN FAVOUR OF ME I.E. A JUDGMENT MUST BE GIVEN TO APPLY MWR OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT WHETHER THE INDUSTRY NOT FALLS IN SCHEDULED EMPLOYMENT OF SAME GOVERNMENT RELATING TO MY CASE. I will highly oblige to you. Thanks
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 24 June 2017
Your appointment is directly by AF Canteen or through contractor?
No judgment/citation is provided on this platform.
Let the job of finding judgment be performed by a professional lawyer that you have already or now want to engage for filing a case.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 24 June 2017
You may reply to the point raised by Dr.J.C.Vashista.
shravan kumar (Querist) 25 June 2017
I am directly employed by AF Canteen Bamrauli
shravan kumar (Querist) 25 June 2017
Sir, What is criteria for a business to be scheduled industry/employment under Minimum Wages Act
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 02 July 2017
Your latest query is academic, no reply.

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