Value of constitutional rights of the citizens to the governments and politicians?
Smt. Parul Shah
(Querist) 20 March 2012
This query is : Resolved
Do the Citizen of India has right to get in writing from the official of Tax Authorities, Governments, Government & Public Servant to give the Proofs and Evidences that they and non of their family members are not corrupt, dishonest, disloyal, wrong doers, ineffective, inefficient and characterless, when they assess?
How can the officials, who assess, be accepted and tolerated as corrupt, dishonest, disloyal, wrong doers, ineffective, inefficient and characterless?
When they are corrupt, dishonest, disloyal, wrong doers, ineffective, inefficient and characterless how can they be accepted and tolerated?
What our Constitution give power and right to the citizen of India in this issue?
PM, Cabinet, Parliament, Assemblies, Governments, Authorities are responsible for whatever happens in the country because of the atmosphere created by them and they are responsible as they are forcing people to take law in hand due to injustice, corruption, crimes, wrong doings, vices, evils spreaded by them in the society.
What our Constitution says in this matter and how it can punish?

(Expert) 20 March 2012
Dear Smt. Parul,
At the time of joining, every Government employee has to sign a written oath of allegiance to its constitution and its provisions during all times of his service. That is another thing that the same remains as a paper formality and once kept in his confidential Report folder is never reviewed with particular reference to his day-to-day activities.
Just try to remember the saying "who will bell the cat," particularly when most of the rats are in some specific race? An honest person gets only tumbled down and run over in that race.
Constitutional rights are there, but providers of rights are scarce. You can exert for your rights, but you are not to grab or snatch your rights from anyone, if he is unwilling to extend you with your rights easily. But when you start fighting for your rights, you of course get poorer by spending litigation costs and precious time, irrespective of whether you are able to achieve your right or not.
(Expert) 20 March 2012
Dear Parul,
You cannot directly question anybody.
But, whenever any injustice is done to you, you can approach the Court of law to get justice.
No more, no less.
Do not try to generalise things. You cannot say that all are corrupt etc. etc.
If you have enough material to prove, better file a complaint. Otherwise you will only be indulging in 'breast beating' and 'wailing' without any substance.
Smt. Parul Shah
(Querist) 20 March 2012
If the people are supreme and all know it that all most all MPs, MLAs, Politicians, Ministers, Public & Government Servants, Judges, Police etc are always sold in each matter in the hands of Corrupts, Criminals, Culprits, Mafias, Anti-National Element, Under World People, ISI Agents, FII, Foreign Nations and Companies (FDI), Rich People, Corporate etc and people of India believe that all are corrupt and wrong doers what is wrong to investigate/raid all of them with their family members since he/she joined the job to make him/her honest? There should be regular quarterly work, social,character etc AUDIT on all of them. What is harm in this if this is for betterment of the nation, poor people and next generation?
(Expert) 20 March 2012
To say the least, you are talking non-sense. Better stop it.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 20 March 2012
I think this discussion has taken an ugly shape so kindly stop it for healthy relations.
Smt. Parul Shah
(Querist) 20 March 2012
Then What is the meaning of "a written oath of allegiance to its constitution and its provisions during all times of his service? Only to make fool to the nation and people. It suggests that they have taken written oath to violate constitution and law of land every moment. They have right to behave like they are rules and laws by themselves. They have right to deteriorate the society and they will remain disloyal and dishonest forever. Spreading corruption, crimes, wrong doings, vices, evils are their Birth Right. Actually Governments are paying salaries to MPs, MLAs, Government Servants and Public Servants only and only to save and protect corrupts, criminals, wrong doers and mafias.
I have not said anything to Mr. Anirudh then why he is so bad, dirty and vulgar?

(Expert) 20 March 2012
Dear Smt. Parul,
Social audit is also the responsibility of the Governments of State and Centre, not that of any individual. So, all that depends upon the people's representatives, which are sent to Assemblies/ Parliament through the process of election by the people themselves.
So, unless people are able to select right representatives, any individual effort has no value.
So, any vent of grudge made on the paages of this forum is not likely to benefit you to provide any solution.
Smt. Parul Shah
(Querist) 20 March 2012
From the debate and discussion we may get solution. Right representatives will come on the power only when strict and hard laws and rules are made from the Public Agenda. Even educated people are illiterate and ignorant. People are being kept involved in wrong subjects/matters/issues by the Government like Share Bazar, Batting, Cricket, TV Serials, TV Programs, TV News and other hopeless unproductive Businesses of Mafias. It requires unity, complete awareness, complete involvement to work for the betterment of people and nation. One is required to think that it is only I can bring Change with right thoughts in righr direction.
(Expert) 20 March 2012
Every illegal activities are curtail by the law and framed some punishement and fine. But the big question mark is whether it been maintained equally or not.

(Expert) 20 March 2012
Dear Smt. Parul,
With reference to your thinking, "Right representatives will come on the power only when strict and hard laws and rules are made from the Public Agenda," as a solution, the same earlier quoted saying comes to the fore, "who will bell the cat?"
Probably you forget the laws are not made by any common man out of public. Laws are made in the Parliaments and Assemblies only by the elected representative of the people, whosoever represent the public.
Smt. Parul Shah
(Querist) 20 March 2012
Elected Representatives are not the choice of the people but they are the choice of Mafias and Corporate therefore elected Representatives represents Corrupts, Criminals, Wrong Doers and Mafias. They are not the elected Representatives but they are selected Representatives of Mafias and Corporate and people are being forced to elect out of Monsters.Why today Parliament, Assemblies, Governments, Judiciary, Police and Commissions are dominated by Criminals and Mafias? It is must that people will have to fix that political parties will have to work according to Public Agenda and accordingly laws should be passed in the Parliament and Assemblies and those parties which do not follow Public Agenda that public must boycott them forever.
If we would have rule in India that if any person would join to the British Government, his all family members would be killed then no one would have joined it and Britishers would have left India immediately.
Same rule can be applied by modifying it to Corruption and Wrong Doings, when people of India gets united.

(Expert) 20 March 2012
Your efforts to unite people would be appreciated well.