(Querist) 19 November 2019
This query is : Resolved
Unregistrrd will testator not named the executor in the will .....as per sec 276 of indian succession act As a beneficiary .shall i directly approach the court for get the probate the will.?
Is executer is must?
(Expert) 20 November 2019
Dear Sir,
Without seeing the contents of your Will I am unable to answer your question. Please approach any local lawyer and get appropriate legal advise.
(Expert) 20 November 2019
To me, to probate the will, executor is not necessary.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 21 November 2019
1. Executor is not necessary to be mentioned in the will.
2. In some states (especially Presidential towns) probation of will is compulsory.
3. It is advisable to consult a local prudent lawyer for better appreciation of facts/documents, guidance and proceeding.
(Querist) 29 January 2020
tq for your valuable reply sir