In any I.T. related cyber crime, neither our advocates nor judges are fully geared up to handle such cases.---
These are usually some hurdles which they face and which the accused ( yourself ) utilize to get away--.
1) accused keeps repeating one single statement that all allegations are false and baseless and he never hacked into any system of his wife.---
2) accused is arrested and released on bail and police themselves with minimal knowledge want to learn more by using this accused as experiment and so interrogate to find out HOW he did it.---
accused maintains he did not do it because he WAS NOT AT ALL THERE at the scene of the crime.----
in a cyber crime matter, when the accused says he WAS NOT AT ALL THERE, this is when the entire investigation team faces HUGE DIFFICULTY.---
Proving that the accused was there at the scene of the crime and he had logged in to the computer at that time, is the BIGGEST DIFFICULTY.---
there is a cyber crime called INTERNET TIME THEFT....even a person driving a car can park his car outside the house of the accused and HACK HIS WIRELESS INTERNET CONNECTION and send mails using his internet.---
SO accused says to the investigation team that even if he was there at his house, he has not done it since at that time, he was in the Toilet and then was having his bath and his wife's friends might have hacked into his wireless internet connectivity and that criminal has hacked into the e-mail of his wife and MADE IT LOOK as if the accused is the criminal.----
the accused maintains this statement to the investigation----
even if the law says maintaining password protection for the wireless device is the responsibility of the accused, the accused says that is exactly what HACKING is all about. It is about breaking into the protected electronic systems.---
the accused then says---
" my wife has always been suspecting me that i have girl-friends and with that psychiatric illness, everyday she would force me to show all sms and messages to her.---
fed up of this mental torture, one day i just provided her with my e-mail I Ds and passwords and told her to check whenever she wants.---
but even after that she would start asking details of each and every mail.---
that is when fights started and now 498 A she has filed.----
not satisfied, she is continuously searching for some or the other methods to harass me.----
with my e-mail and password details i do not know to whom all she has spread wrong information about me --- they will not say since it is delicate husband and wife matter --- i only have to find out ---
if that has happened, i have to file defamation suit against my wife ----
so, the police now totally confused and angry , begin their usual methods
" abae chup ... mooh bandh rakh ... yeh karenge ...woh karenge--- bathaa kyon hack kiya
the accused says one line and remains silent
" i have spoken the truth ... now it is up to you to believe me or not....please speak to my wife for continuously 30 minutes and you can see how she has psychiatric illness ---
now in all these family tension and irritation the wife will not be mentally 100 percent alright....
police will not have patience beyond some time for just this one case and that too in a cyber crime matter ---
so both combined when they call the wife and speak for 30 minutes, more confusion will happen ---
at this correct time, accused will bribe and speak softly to police ---
all in all, closure report submitted to court and matter ends ---
now accused husband turns the game --- he files suit for defamation against his wife ---