legal heirs affidavit format
SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Advocate) 27 June 2018
Raghav Arora 27 June 2018
Hi! If you want to obtain a legal heir certificate, the format is -
This document is for legal heirship for the mutual funds. You just have to swap the words with the property/pension or anything else as per your requirement.
The process -
The person who is applying for legal heir certificate has to approach the district tahsildar office with the death certificate of the deceased and have to produce a form and also he/she have to make an application and the person has to fill up an application form and make sure that all the information provided by the person is correct and complete and it is also required that the person lodging the application should have all the required information and necessary documents required in the process and it is also required to affix a court fee stamp (INR 2) on the application form and SC/ST are exempted from this fee.
Documents needed -
Read more about it here -
Elango 10 July 2019
On top of the above details..
As a process revenue officer suppose to visit your place to validate details provided. After the verification report will be provided to Tasildhar where up to certificate will be issued. There is also a short cut on the procedure better negotiate them