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SAIPRASAD G (SERVICE)     04 October 2009







G SAIPRASAD 9427462044

 3 Replies


If you are SC/ST you can get in Gujrat. If you are BC you have to get in A.P.

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AEJAZ AHMED (Legal Consultant/Lawyer)     04 October 2009

Dear Gangi Shetti,

You didn't informed about the "Place of Birth" of your Children and from where you obtained their "Birth Certificates".

As its a matter of "issuance of Cast Certificate " which requires enquiry by the "Revenue Authorities" therefore per me it is the Native Mandal/Dist/State of Parents to apply for issuance of Cast Certificate of Children.  

Procedure for Application in Andhra Pradesh is as follows: 

Earlier an original certificate was required for every application. Caste certificates are issued to the SC, ST, BC and OBC categories. This certificate is used for education and employment purpose. Certificate is issued based on the revenue enquiry. This information can be obtained from the MPHS database. Nativity and Residency certificates are being issued by MRO. This certificate is used for the purpose of education, passport, and issue of Ration card. The person who requires the certificate applies to the MRO. The MRO marks it to the RI for verification. The verification is done by Panchayat Secretary and crosschecked by RI. After verification the Certificate is issued by MRO. The details of the certificates are maintained in the form of a register. A separate register is maintained for each type of certificate. This information can be obtained from the MPHS database.

 Now a integrated Certificate is being issued for Caste, Date of Birth and Nativity, thus reducing a lot of extra work. In G.O.M.S.No. 272 Revenue (Ser. III) Department, dt.14-3-96, Govt. have issued orders introducing the system of issuance of Permanent and Integrated Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates to SCs, STs and BCs in the Form prescribed (i.e.,) in Form-III by the Competent Authorities viz., Dist. Collector, Revenue Divisional Officer / Mandal Revenue Officer as the case may be from the academic Yea 1996-97. The printed forms of Permanent and Integrated Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates and the Registers to be maintained by the village Administrative Officers and Mandal Revenue Officers were already supplied to the Mandal Revenue Officers and Revenue Divisional Officers in the District.
An Act (Act. No. 16 0f 1993) to Regulate the issue of Community Certificate relating to the persons belonging to the SCs, STs and matters connected there with or incidental there to was passed and the same was came into force w.e.f 15-5-97.
Government have also framed the Rules in G.O.Ms.No.58 SW (J) Department dt. 12-5-97 viz., the A.P. (SCs, STs and BCs) Issue of Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates Rules, 1997 regulating the procedure of issuance of Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate to the SCs, STs and BCs and also for verification of social status claims of the individuals. These rules came into force with effect from 16-5-1997.
Government have notified the authorities in Column (2) of the Annexure-I of the Rules within their territorial jurisdiction as “Competent Authorities” for the issue of Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates declaring the persons as belonging either to SCs and STs and as per notification of the Government of India and to BCs in accordance with the notification of the Government of Andhra Pradesh, issued from time to time.
The following are the Competent Authorities to issue certificates of eligibility in terms of Caste Community and Creamy layer: Collector & District Magistrate. Addl. District Magistrate/ Deputy Commissioner/Addl. Dy. Commissioner/ Deputy Collector/1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ Sub Divisional Magistrate / Taluk Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate/ Extra Asst.Commissioner (not below the rank of 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate).
Chief Presidency Magistrate / Addl.Chief Presidency Magistrate/ President Magistrate.
Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahsildar/ Mandal Revenue Officer.
Sub Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/ or his family normally resides.
Format of application :
Application for issue of Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate to STs shall be in Form-I and in respect of SCs and BCs in Form-II of the Rules
notice for verification and enquiry by competent AUTHORITY:
Notice to the applicant for verification shall be issued in Form-IV of the Rules by the Competent Authority (i.e.,) Mandal Revenue Officer/Revenue Divisional Officer and Collector as the case may be.
Validity of certificate :
The Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in accordance with the provisions of the Act and Rules, shall be a permanent one as per Rule 16 of the Rules, 1997.
Procedure for verification and issue of community, nativity and date of birth certificates by the competent AUTHORITIES:
The Salient points of procedure envisaged in the Rules of verification and issue of Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate to the applicants are as follow:
1.      Application for issue of Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate shall be submitted in the prescribed Form-I/II to the MRO/RDO (Competent Authority) as the case may be well in advance (i.e.) six months, as far as possible particularly for seeking admission to the educational institution or appointment to a post as per Rule 4(a).
2.      In case of minor, the Parent/guardian shall submit application form as mentioned above as per Rule 4(b).
3.      After ensuring that the application is in order, the Competent Authority shall give the acknowledgement slip appended to Form-I/II to the applicant as per Rule 5(a).
4.      Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates shall be issued in Form-III within 30 days of the receipt of the applications in Form-I/II by the Mandal Revenue Officer/R.D.O., if he is satisfied with the correctness of the information/documents/evidence furnished by the applicant as per Rule 5(a).
5.      If the MRO/RDO feels that further enquiries are necessary, he shall conduct such enquiry after issuing notice in Form-IV to the Parent/Guardian/Applicant and examine following persons and records as per Rule 5(b).
a)                   School Records
b)                  Birth Registration Certificate, if any.
c)                   In the case of tribals their Anthropological and anthological Traits, deity, rituals, customs, mode of marriage, death ceremonies/methods of burial of dead bodies etc.,
d)                  Examination of Parent/Guardian or Applicant in relation to their community.
e)                   The notice in Form-IV should be given with a clear interval of 15 days from the date of receipt of the notice by the parent/applicant/guardian to attend the enquiry.
f)                    If the person who received notice fails to respond on the date of enquiry fixed, the MRO/RDO may reject or confirm the claim of the person based on the document/evidence available with the MRO/RDO as per Rule 5(d).
g)                  MRO/RDO should give reasonable opportunity to the applicant/parent/guardian to produce evidence in support of their claim as per Rule 5(e).
h)                  A Public notice by beat of drum or any other convenience may have to be published in the village or locality of the applicant/parent/guardian and the objections if any received from any person or association may have to be considered by the MRO/RDO as per Rule 5(e).
i)                    The MRO/RDO shall refer the cases of doubtful claims to the Joint Collector & Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee formed at the District level u/r 8 for the recommendations of the Committee with regard to the issue and genuiness of the Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates obtained and as applied for by the claimants. On receipt of recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee, the MRO/RDO shall accordingly confirm or reject the claims of the applicants.

For further details kindly go through this website:

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Sarvesh Kumar Sharma Advocate (Advocacy)     07 October 2009

aejaj sab explain it very well.

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