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Vijay (Management Consultant)     07 October 2015

Disturbance from in-laws & spouse's relatives

Respected Experts,

I am married and I am part of a joint family since many years prior to my marriage. I am constrained to remain in the joint family due to financial circumstances and ours is a middle-class family. Eversince I am married, my wife's parents are harrasing me to get separated from my joint family and even shift to a different city, job etc., so that my wife remains reachable to them. They have been influencing my wife (through phone calls, messages etc.,) to devise plans to cause conflicts within our family so that I will succumb and relocate by my own. Often, my in-laws have visited our residence without prior permission or notice to "inspect" how our family is treating their daughter and this sort of odd behavior is causing huge discomfort amongst my extended family members. On some occassions, without even informing any of my family members and without even seeking my approval, they have even made private transport arrangements to pick my wife from my residence and drop her at her parents, relatives places. All of this is causing a lot of unwanted disturbance and it is affecting my family's day-to-day activities, life style and causing damage to our reputation, stature.

My wife is young, immatured and she is often confused with all these activities and at times she is becoming a scapegoat to all the cruel acts/plans of her parents.

Recently, my in-laws have barged into our house, demanded that my wife be sent along with them including her jewellery, belongings etc., When we restrained them, they have brought a police officer and made a huge drama and took my wife along with them by providing an undertaking through my wife that she is leaving our house apprehending danger to her life and leaving at her own will. Subsequently, they made her appeal to the magistrate to file for a DVC (Domestic Violence Case) against myself and my parents. Currently, my wife is being made to take shelter at her relatives' place and I learnt that she is going through emotional, mental trauma.

Please advise the legal options possible to:

(1) rescue my wife from illegal custody of her parents, relatives

(2) resume my conjugal life

(3) regulate or restrain the intereference of my in-laws with my family affairs

Thanks for your expert advise/tips to rescue my marital life.

 7 Replies


First thing is they have no right to directly into Ur house and create scenes.When the marriage was settled were they not aware that their daughter was going to stay in a joint family.The matter has gone to the extent of police complaint itself illustrates their reluctance to allow their daughter in a joint family.UR wife is also responsible for their acts,she should have bluntly told them not to interfere in her marital life.Filed DVC,without UR wife's support hwo do U expect to come out of it without overcomming legal hurdles.

SuperHero (Manager)     08 October 2015

A thorn should be taken out with the help of another thorn(Safety pin). If you don't take it then it may cause septic  and then you know the rest....what will happen...

So take due course of action and be firm, all things will set right..

Talk to your wife and tell her clearly or make her understand...

Vijay (Management Consultant)     09 November 2015

Hi Experts,

As a part of my employment, I am required to travel abroad for a duration of one year. With the DVC, MC cases having just commenced in a District court, please advise me how I may still be able to plan my career and pursue abroad opportunity. Can I not travel abroad at this stage? Can I obtain a temporary halt to the entire legal proceedings?

Thanks for your expert advise to help me come out of the riddle.

With Regards


Vijay (Management Consultant)     07 May 2016

Hi Experts,

Despite my attempts to make my wife understand, she remained adamant at the influence of her parents. Trials are about to commence for both the DVC, MC cases and to complicate things, as a part of my employment, I am required to travel abroad for a duration of one year. With the DVC, MC cases having just commenced in a District court, please advise me how I may still be able to plan my career and pursue abroad opportunity. My lawyer is very helpful, but, I would also like to consult experts in this forum and seek for precautions in this situation. How should I inform about my circumstance to the Court? How can I travel abroad at this stage? How can I obtain a temporary halt to the entire legal proceedings?

Thanks for your expert advise to help me tackle the riddle.

With Regards


Dr Martin Campbell (Doctor)     07 May 2016

What kind of management consultant ur?

You did not file for divorce yet?


Still playing snake and ladder?  


Go for settlement, throw money and take divorce, rest all is waste of time, dont waste yours and ours.


Dr.Martin, UR reply does not add value to the problem of the querist, we have to give solace to the querist rather than provoke him with our irrelevant replies? Well Vijay if the proceedings are keeping on dragging,U can pray to the court to grant U temporary exemption from personal appearance to travel abroad by submitting authentic relevant documents. But its the discretion of the court.

Vijay (Management Consultant)     31 May 2016

I have arranged discussions between my parents and my wife's parents. But, it was not successful. My wife is not ready for mutual divorce as well. She is just dragging the matter and wants to contest the DVC, MC cases. These personal troubles have hampered my career. With the hope that time will heal, I would like to set my focus on my career and I am required to travel abroad in about 6 weeks from now. Trails have began in the lower court and I am looking for better approach to deal with the DVC, MC cases. Am I permitted to file Quashment petition in High Court? Am I permitted to obtain a stay on the proceedings in the lower court from high court? How should I notify the lower court about my travel obligations? Please guide me in this situation.

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