Dear Sir, Need Some More Query In Short. Wife file fake 498a, 307,323,504,506 & 3/4 case in march 2015 against 6 family members. 3 persons removed by IO & bail approved for other 3, status under trial at Dist. court. now wife file 125crpc. and give two application for 319b for adding removed persons from IO, & addition of IPC 307, 377, 500, 463( No evidence for 377 no medical before & after FIR till date) NOW-After Approx three years of Marriage And 2.4 years of sepration (She is in her Perants home) According to Muslim Personal Law we gave her Talaq as per Shia - shariya kanoon (NO triple Talaq) on last month and sent her final notice by registered post. Sir My Query is 1. After given Talaq what is the status of maintenance under 125CRPC in muslim law as in personal law husband responsible only for mehr & Iddat period |(Appx 3 to 4 Months Maintennance). 2. in 498 A Trial how Talaq can be treated at this stage. 3. How 319-B and other application for adding 377, 307 can be treated by court as there is no evidence or medical and not a single word in FIR /Charge sheet in relation to 377 & others. only on the basis of 498a wife and her mother single statement "wo unnatural offence bhi karta Tha". can be permitted or not. Kindly clear my quary I am very thankful to you Regards
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