There are basically two kinds of divorce:
contested mode divorce or by mutual consent divorce
consent. As the name suggests, in a divorce by mutual consent both husband and wife agree to end their marriage and they jointly decide on questions regarding child custody, maintenance, etc etc . ===> In your case this is not possible since she demand she need to stay back - forget about this
In a contested mode divorce ==> In a contested divorce, either the husband or the wife petitions the court to grant a divorce, based on any of a number of grounds, which the other party will “contest”. The court grants a divorce only if it is satisfied that these grounds for divorce exist.
What are the different grounds for divorce? There are a variety of grounds ,for divorce in the case of a Hindu marriage. The grounds available to the husband alone are given below: there are other ground as well .
1, Cruelty;
2, Voluntary s*xual intercourse
3, outside the marriage;
4, Desertion for two years or more;
5, Insanity;
6, Conversion to another religion;
7, Leprosy or venereal disease;
8, Renouncing the world by entering a religious order;
9, Not being heard of as being alive for seven years or more;
10, No resumption of cohabitation
You better identify on which one can be mapped above to her and file a contested mode divorce , it take good amount of time min 2 yrs to 5,6 yrs depend on the case trails get the judgement or court order.