If the decree or order or judgment of the court is disobeyed by the opposite party who has to obey than the opposite can file a execution petition with 12 years as per the specifi relief act OR he can file a (contempt petition or contempt writ )as per the contempt of court act. Also tell me whether contempt petition is proper or execution petition is proper or what is more advantage(S)& if than also the order or judgment or decree are not obeyed than the penalty provision or any prosectuion (JAIL TERM) is there or not pls tell me with the section.
In short the after passing the judgemnt if the parties does not obey than what are the penalties or any kind of punishment. Also what is time time limit to file a contempt petition or writ.
If possible with the help of a example.
Also tell me the book in which the writ & petition (more details for basic to the end in detail).
Thanks In Advance.