My husband obtained exparte decree against me by playing fraud upon the court. For playing fraud upon the court the court by taking su moto and mentioned he played fraud upon the court and set aside the order .But recently I came to know my husband married another women and had a child with her When the exparte divorce was in force he married to that lady. But he never said any of counter or affidavits he was married again.
I got the proofs of second lady all in her government ids like(pan, aadhar, voter id, babys birth certificate,bank passbook /mentioned this person as husband. Baseing on this i filed private complaint the court has send the notices to them to attend for trail . Now the questions follows
1) Here the husband married when exparte decree was in force.But it was obtained by playing fraud upon the court . Now is bigamy applicable?
2)Is the above proofs enough to prove bigamy?
3) or essential marriage ceremonies to be proved?
4) If second marriage is void is second lady can keep her status as wife in public documents?