MrDinoMorea (O) 02 August 2019
Shashi Dhara 03 August 2019
G.L.N. Prasad (Retired employee.) 03 August 2019
Marriages in India are religious and treated as holy agreements and when agreements in restraint of marriage is not valid contract, such agreements are not legally valid. Contact a local advocate and discuss with him.
Srishti Khanna 05 August 2019
Pre Nuptial Agreements are neither illegal nor valid. It is often exclaimed that marriage in the India is not a mere contract. Also as per law such an Agreement has not been expressly dealt with under the Indian Contract Act,1876. The Court may take cognizance of these pre nuptial agreements to settle any disputes arising thereto, only when these agreements have been voluntarily entered into without any form of force, duress, coercion or threat.