A has two sons B and C. The elder brother B advances financial assistance to C's wife via his own wife's account in 1996. In somewhere 2000, B advances C, A and C's wife financial assistance. In the balance sheet of A.Y. 04-06 of A, C and C's wife available with B, the money stands in their liabilities. But in 2009, B finds out that these people are denying any financial assistance given to them by B or his wife. B and his wife have been claiming the assistance in their accounts as assets till date. The opposite party have said off record that the claim is time barred by limitation of 3 years. Can B have any remedy since he was not aware of this fraud to him till 2009 on paper. Can B and his wife receive their funds from the opposite party along with interest? It seems that opposite party have write off the liability in their balance sheet after A.Y. 04-05.