Sourabh 07 July 2017
Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO) 08 July 2017
You file a petition in family court alleging the above facts against your wife seeking the relief of stopping your wife from frequenting your house till the disposal of.divorce petition. Accordingly the family court wil prevent your wife from frequenting your house. and harrassing you by threats of suicide etc.Also you can file for Judicial seperation against her.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (CEO) 08 July 2017
You file a petition in family court alleging the above facts against your wife seeking the relief of stopping your wife from frequenting your house till the disposal of.divorce petition. Accordingly the family court wil prevent your wife from frequenting your house. and harrassing you by threats of suicide etc.Also you can file for Judicial seperation against her.
Sourabh 08 July 2017
Samarpan (M)99958670740 (Free legal advice and legal aid cell) 09 July 2017
As you already filed a case, we wish and hope you get advice from your counsel. I think you filed annulment petition. Any how, the narration of facts by you show that you are entitled to file permanent injunction with temporary injunction suit prohibiting her to enter matrimonial home as she is intended to implicate you in criminal cases.