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Darshan   12 January 2018

Relinquishment deed

Joint owners to 1 of the N/A Plots in Saurashtra Region (Gujarat). 1st owner is willing to give away her share in the favor of the 2nd Holder of this joint property. 1. What type of legal document should we prepare ? 2. Should this legal document be registered ? 3. Does it attracts stamp duty ?


 7 Replies

R.Ramachandran (Advocate)     12 January 2018

She should give a Relinquishment Deed.

That Relinquishment Deed requires compulsory registration.

It will attract very very nominal stamp duty + registration fee.

N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     12 January 2018

Well advised and nothing to add.

Darshan   12 January 2018

R.Ramachandranji, Thank you for your reply. Yes, (1st Holder in this joint property ) she is willing to give away her share in that property. My question is;- Since the location of the property is in "Saurashtra Region" of Gujarat. where should we go with the
Relinquishment Deed which requires compulsory registration ? Is there any procedure ?


R.Ramachandran (Advocate)     12 January 2018

Ideally it should be registered in the Sub-Registrar's office under whose jurisdiction the property falls.

Darshan   12 January 2018

Sir Thank you once again. Could you please share some details about "Stamp Duty & Registration Charges" if any needs to be paid ? "If yes" then, how should we calulate ? if there a methodology ?

R.Ramachandran (Advocate)     12 January 2018

This you please have it checkd up in the Sub-Registrar's office.

BHARAT vasoya   12 January 2018

@4.9 % stamp duty and @1% reg. fees on circle rate of the land, you may visit revenue department Gujarat website for circle rate for your land.

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