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Ashish Ovalekar (Service)     25 June 2008

Shops and Establishment / Payment of Gratuity Act

Can anybody provide me the Address and Contact Number of any Publisher, who can provide me the Bare Acts / Extracts of the Shops and Establishment Act (All States) and the Payment of Gratuity Act / Extract , in regional Languages?

I would be highly obliged if the same is provided.

Thanks and Regards,


 5 Replies

Prakash Yedhula (Lawyer)     25 June 2008

Specify te regional langauage you need.

Ashish Ovalekar (Service)     25 June 2008

Thanks for the concern.

But I would require the same in all Indian Languages, as i have got my offices, in all the States and Union Territories in India.

Can you please guide me to get the same.

ravikant sonkar (Judge)     16 September 2009

Dicree under shops and Establishment act can be executed in 33 C(2) I.D.Act?

arunkumarbhattacharyya (service in a bank)     21 September 2009

in these days most of the bank employees (clerical &subordinate staff) are required to work beyond their duty hours 6-30 &7 hours (AS PER SERVICE CONDITION OF BANK EMPLOYEES BI PARTITE SETTLEMENT) TO COMPLETE THEIR DAYS WORK  and no  office order from the bank management issued for payment of overtime allownce as well as bank management refuses to issue any order for advising /request to stay beyond duty hours.AS IT IS A CLEAR CASE OF VIOLATION OF NATURAL JUSTICE  & also VIOLATION OF  local shop &establishment act  WEST BENGAL,WHAT SHOULD BE DONE?ADVISE THE COURSE OF ACTION TO BE TAKEN NEXT.

arunkumarbhattacharyya (service in a bank)     21 September 2009

in these days most of the bank employees (clerical &subordinate staff) are required to work beyond their duty hours 6-30 &7 hours (AS PER SERVICE CONDITION OF BANK EMPLOYEES BI PARTITE SETTLEMENT) TO COMPLETE THEIR DAYS WORK  and no  office order from the bank management issued for payment of overtime allownce as well as bank management refuses to issue any order for advising /request to stay beyond duty hours.AS IT IS A CLEAR CASE OF VIOLATION OF NATURAL JUSTICE  & also VIOLATION OF  local shop &establishment act  WEST BENGAL,WHAT SHOULD BE DONE?ADVISE THE COURSE OF ACTION TO BE TAKEN NEXT.

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