the case is like this..... we gave house for residential purpose, but tenent used that for both residential and business like microfinance and gave the same residential address in all various websites for additional funds. since 3 years, he was paying 10,000 as monthly rent as it is a thrible bedroom flat,. tenent filed an injunction against us. he filed case saying, he is a secretate to a society where in hepling poor people and we are not giving rent bills and he mentioned in that case that we gave that house for only 2,000 per month. then we are threating him to vacate the house, which we did not do it. actual thing was that we wanted to sell it and that gay did this thing and we are not at all happy, daily we are getting mental tensions, as our debts are increasing and that gay filed a case againts us. since 3 years we did not give any payment bills. kindly help us what shell we do.