To which court does a case go to from family court, if either party wants to appeal against the judgement? Will they have to appeal directly in the high court, or can they go to the magistrate court/fast track courts first?
MrDinoMorea (O) 01 October 2014
To which court does a case go to from family court, if either party wants to appeal against the judgement? Will they have to appeal directly in the high court, or can they go to the magistrate court/fast track courts first?
Hardeep (Business) 01 October 2014
To the High Court. see S. 19, Family Courts Act.
N.K.Assumi (Advocate) 02 October 2014
Yes, High Court.
Mallikarjuna Rao Tata (Advocate) 02 October 2014
High Court of your state
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate) 06 October 2014
A decision by the Family court can be challenged by an appeal preferred before High court only.