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Associate membership in co-op housing society

(Querist) 29 September 2017 This query is : Resolved 
Respected Sir,

In our Co-operative housing society one member/flat owner has given application in favour of his wife for associate membership. The flat owner who's name stated in the purchase agreement always travels overseas for four to six month.

The purchase agreement there is only single owner and his wife's name is not mentioned.

He has given application in the month of May, 2017 alongwith cheque of Rs.100/-

Can it will be consider and approve for Associate Membership in favaour his wife.

Please advise.

Thanks in advance.
Sudhakar Yeradkar

Hemant Agarwal (Expert) 29 September 2017
1. "IF" the second persons name does not appear in the Sale-Deed, "THEN" the second person CANNOT be made an "associate member".

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 29 September 2017
In absence of joint ownership, second membership can not be given to a stranger as per property documents.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 29 September 2017
Agreed with Expert Mr. Hemant Agarwal, Mr. Rajendra K Goyal.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 30 September 2017
Thanks for agreeing.
Guest (Expert) 30 September 2017
Only the provisions made in the approved bylaws of the society can guide you properly, not the lengthy articles of any website.
sudhakar s. yeradkar (Querist) 03 October 2017
Thanks for your expert advise.
Guest (Expert) 03 October 2017
You are welcome.

Guest (Expert) 03 October 2017
@Hemant Agarwal,

Your advice seems to be contradictory to the provision of sec. 2(19)(b) of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 . Would you please like to enlighten about the reason for difference?
Hemant Agarwal (Expert) 03 October 2017
JIGYASU: Legal Analyst (Expert):

1. FIRSTLY, this is not your query-thread. So do not encroach /hijack upon someone else's query and start asking your own new query. Start your own query and THEN ask your questions /doubts.

2. SECONDLY, WHEN you do not know law, THEN why add "Legal Analyst" as a addendum to yourself. You are proving yourself as a "nuisance" to other professionals.

3. THIRDLY, for getting "enlightened on whatever", kindly prefer to be humble & requestative and NOT be over-smart ridicular.

4. FOURTHLY, I do not wish to "enlighten or teach" ANYBODY, whosoever, more so to a ridicular person like you. SO TAKE A 1-WAY HIKE !!!!

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal
Hemant Agarwal (Expert) 03 October 2017
JIGYASU: Legal Analyst (Expert):

1. FIRSTLY, this is not your query-thread. So do not encroach /hijack upon someone else's query and start asking your own new query. Start your own query and THEN ask your questions /doubts.

2. SECONDLY, WHEN you do not know law, THEN why add "Legal Analyst" as a addendum to yourself. You are proving yourself as a "nuisance" to other professionals.

3. THIRDLY, for getting "enlightened on whatever", kindly prefer to be humble & requestative and NOT be over-smart ridicular.

4. FOURTHLY, I do not wish to "enlighten or teach" ANYBODY, whosoever, more so ridicular people like you. SO TAKE A 1-WAY HIKE !!!!

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal
sudhakar s. yeradkar (Querist) 03 October 2017
All Respected Experts,

Again I would like to know,
If the second person name is there in the Purchase Agreement & ultimately in the Share Certificate then by default he is co-owner or Joint owner then why it is needed to be approved him as Associate Member?

Hemant Agarwal (Expert) 03 October 2017
1. CO-OWNER means: Depends on the clauses of the Agreement, wherein "share-ratio" percentage of the individual co-ownership is defined /specified.

2. JOINT-OWNER means: "ANY & ALL" additional owner-person recorded in the Agreement, IRRESPECTIVE of the "share-ratio" percentage of the individual co-ownership.

3. ASSOCIATE-Member means: "ANY & ALL" (by legal default) additional owner-person/s recorded in the Agreement, BUT subject to payment of Rs. 100/- as "membership entrance fee" per joint-associate person, to the Society.

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal
Guest (Expert) 03 October 2017
My dear hemant Agarwal,

From your reply I can get a smell of some ego in your attitude. That also gives me an impression that some people, like you, cannot understand the value of trust, if posed by someone on you, here the querist and myself also.

Never mind, if you are not aware of the legal position, why your advice differs with the provision of the State's co-op Act.

But can you point out on what specific aspect my question was not considered to be requestive, when I humbly pointed out towards some difference and requested to clarify?

So far as your statement that I don't know law, then I must state with firmness that your advice is wrong as per the Co-op Act of the state of Maharashtra, as you stated, ""IF" the second persons name does not appear in the Sale-Deed, "THEN" the second person CANNOT be made an "associate member".

Further, your slogan, "keep smiling," is vague, as the querist can never keep smiling when he would find that your advice was worthless and you openly misguided him. My question was just to make sure that the querist should get ensured with correct advice. But you have tried to make mockery of me ignored my very valid question.

Now, a person with no knowledge of law, as per your own perception, advises you to review your own knowledge and know to what extent you have wrongly advised the querist.

Don't think that you are necessarily right in your advice, if one of your fan and the fake expert, Mr. Kumar Doab, has agreed with you.

In fact, you have the need to learn much more than me, as you labeled with no knowledge. You have proved to be more ignorant of law than me. Besides, you also have the need to respect any querist, if that can become a source to correct or enhance your own knowledge.

Now it is your turn to keep smiling, if you can.
Guest (Expert) 03 October 2017
With reference to the dialogues between "Jigyasu-Hemant Agarwal-Jigasu", I can only say, probably, Mr. Hemant Agarwal has the need to make a retrospect of his own knowledge, so that shallow knowledge may not become the base of formation of any sort of ego. Sometimes, a layman attains the capability to guide a person known to be an expert.

We should not forget that we learn from each other. Nobody becomes an expert by birth or even by highest degrees of qualifications. Only practical experience makes a man expert. Theoretical knowledge always needs to be reviewed from time to time.

Hemant Agarwal (Expert) 03 October 2017
JIGYASU: Legal Analyst (Expert)

1. APPREHENSIVELY, you are a unique species who has a capacity to SMELL EGO's. Probably what you are smelling is your own ridiculing foul smell, which is the highlight at your ripe age.
NOTE: I am not born without Ego, because I am a normal man.

2. Apparently you need to have your nose operated, to enable you to smell normally, else you would be eating fungus-stale foul smelly food and hallucinate the food to be fresh smell'ish.

3. You comment that Shri Kumar Doab is a "fake Expert" .BUT. I consider you as a "fake legal analyst aka expert", more so since you have proved yourself as ridicular and criticizer, due to your inherent jealousy and chronic apathy.

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal
Guest (Expert) 03 October 2017
Mr. Hemant Agarwal,

Thanks for your confession by stating, "I am not born without Ego."

From your post, is has become quite apparent that you have now started speaking in the abusive language of Mr. Kumar Doab. Similarly, when he used to fail himself in justifying his wrongs on pointing out, the same is happening with you. Since you have not been able to justify your wrong advice, you have also started abusing, like Mr. Kumar Doab.

I have quoted the section of the Act in which you assume yourself to be expert. But, you have utterly failed to justify your wrong advice to the querist. On the contrary, instead of proving yourself right as against the provisions of the law, you have started abusing me with your foul statement, "you need to have your nose operated, to enable you to smell normally, else you would be eating fungus-stale foul smelly food and hallucinate the food to be fresh smell'ish."

DO YOU FEEL THAT THE PROVISION OF THE ACT IS WRONG? Why shy, say something to justify your advice?

I can very well understand that, instead of rendering a rational advice to the needy persons, you appear on the scene just to advertise your own website of "Agarwal Associates" property dealers, containing nothing except your own misconceptions about society laws and to compel the people with property related problems to undesirable litigation..

Now I wish you KEEP SMILING.............

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