Mr Ranjit nad rani got married on 1/4/75 as per hindu rights and customs But Mrs ranjit approached to District court, aurangabad for divorce in 79 and obtained Decree, Ms. Rani remained unmarried. in jan 81 Mr. Ranjit came to know that Ms Rani gave birth to a female child named Ranjitha.
Some time later Mr. Ranjit got married to one Madhuri and was leaving a happy life with two children Bunty and Bubly
During Financial Year 06-07 Mr. Ranjit filed an income tax return where in he has shown a family property consisting of a resendital property where he is leacing noew and a commercial complex located at Nirala Bazar, Aurangabad worth 5 crores. this property was inherited form his father.
Ms. Ranjitha got maried to mr. yusuf who is medical doctor. Ms ranjitha sent a legal notice on jan 1 07 claiming a share in Hindu Family property in capacity of Daughter.
Mr Ranjit denied that Ms Ranjitha was born to him. The Family court aurangabad directed for the DNA test for both the parties. but mr ranjit refused to undergo the same. then family court held that mrs ranjitha is a legitimate daughter of Mr Ranjit.
Aggregieved by diposal order of the family court, Mr Ranjit challenged this order before Hon'ble High court of Bombay, Bench at aurangabad.
I am from Mumbai. Does anyone know good/expert advocate for divorce matter. My wife has left house 2 days back abusing and threatning me. Opposite party is very strong and have lot of political and police contact in Mumbai.
hi, i am amit oza, there were dispute between me and my wife. we got married on april 2008,and there after things were normal till 4 monts,she used to creat a problem between me and my family,verbal agruments on petty issue.then she left the house and stayed there for 6 months,she even had filed a false N.C against me and my parents that we are forcing her to study and telling her to do job and get more salary.
in oct2009 she came back to home, and same things started again. she used to threatned my of commiting sucide and would frame us. once she even tried to cut her hand , but i resisted her forcefully and took the cutter ,and appied some medicine .and even file a N.C that she used to cut her hand.
there after second time she again told that this time i will not be able to save her. i found a sucide note in her bag mentioning names of my family members
as currently my case is transferred to mahila takrar kendra. even there i had notified the same to the mahila officer.
even she had taken all her ornaments at her home, these facts has been accepted in front of the mahila officer.
i am not able to work or live peacefully under this cicumtances.
can a file a divorce case under mental harasment , and can i bring a saty order that she cant enter the house , because she may harm herslf or me or my family after filing a divoce case .
Respected sir,
My wife has filed IPC 125 and HMA 10 against me and a complain lodge against me at Mahila Thana i have already attende a family counceling in this session they gives us a time for one month se told so many thing against me like dowary and tourchering etc there after we visit a advocate there they advice to do a counter case against her US 9 and i have done it. Her family memeber is totaly against me and she is also confused she always told me to live with there family member thereafter i will compermise with you. still i am confused i love her so much i want to live with her not with her family and my job is at another place (other state) how can i solve this problem. please suggest me. they had make some evedience against me and always threatning me about this.
with regards.
humble self,
I have filed divorce with the grounds of cruelty & desertion. It is at my cross stage.
My wife is not attending the court , but her lawyer just come and ask for the next date by saying one or other reason.
During last court in dec'09, judge informed her lawyer to bring my wife to court and taken the signature in the order sheet from me and her lawyer. Inspite of the order, her laywer just came during jan'10 and taken one more date in Feb'10.
Her intention is only to drag the case some how.
Is that any other way to overcome such situation in the family court. Is that any rule one party is not attending the case, so that the other party can ask for the next stage by waiving of the current stage.
Kindly advice on this.
I have a Life insurance policy for Rs 50 lakhs. My wife is the nominee and eligible for 100% of the proceeds incase of any unfortunate event. But we do not have any proof of relationship like ration card , voter ID and marriage certificate.
Will the follwing proofs be accepted as relationship proofs ?
SBI passbook- joint account with me
My passport - wife name mentioned and wife has pancard to prove her identity.
Dear Experts,
My Divorce case is at Bangalore court and it is at my cross stage. But the respondent (my wife) is not attending the case and her lawyer simply ask for the date and judge also gives the date. her intension is only to drag the case. During last case date, judge informed her lawyer to bring her to the court , but she did not turn up for the next hearing and her lawyer asked for next date which judge also given.
Is that any rule in the family court to take further action and bring my wife to the court or whether we can ask the judge to waive the present stage(my cross) and go for her cross examination. Even if judge gives, whether she can roll back to my cross again thro high court.
Kindly advice.
Thanks /gvrao
Dear experts,
My father died last year leaving behind his wife, his son, his two sisters, his father and his stepmother.
He inherited a property by will and was the sole owner.
At the time of his death, did this property pass on to the widow and son alone?
Or are father and stepmother also included in Class I of HSA?
As far as I know the stepmother isn't included, or am I missing any regional laws in punjab or any jurispidencies?
Thank you very much for your help,
I hope you can help me in this natter.
Best regards,
As we have initiated 498a and 406 read with 34 ipc on our brither in-law due to some tempramental issuue between our sis amd borther in-law
now the problem is as the matter is setteled we withdraw all the case as he was ready to divorce,as he has signd the divorce papers also,we quashed all the procedings of above mentiones cases.
Now he back tracked from his stand on second motion, saying that he loves his wife and want to settle with her.