As per the amendment in 2007 in the Bonus Act, the limit of salary-wages for eligibilty is incresded to Rs.10,000/-p.m.(from Rs.3,500/-p.m.) and the basis for calculating Bonus is the salary cap of Rs.3,500/-p.m.(from Rs.2,500/-p.m.)
Pl.clarify (1)The employee drawing upto Rs.10,000/ eligible for bonus, but(2) his salary for calculating bonus is to be caped at Rs.3,500/-p.m.,means if he is getting Rs.9,000/-p.m.,but for bonus his salary would be considered as Rs.3,500/-p.m.and accordingly his bonus at 8.33% would be Rs.3,500/- for the year.
when the CA passes the order to pay the amount of gratuity, Procedure is this that the CA controlling Authority on application of the applicant issue a recovery certificate against the employer to the District Collector but in the officer of the DC matter is being kept pending for more than one year ? what i can do for the matter expedited and the persons who are committing mistake my be penalized ? for the negligence of recovery authority ?
Dear Expert,
We have an employee in senior management who was involved in some prformance issues & ethics issues. Post investigation he offered to resign from 31 May. His resignation letter dated 29 April was accepted & communicated on 07 May. On 29th May he sends a communiation stating withdrawal of Resignation.
Could please guide the legal position & course of action.
Mr A has filed an appeal in the April 2008 without enclosing any certificate of deposit of amount ordered by the Controlling authority Is the appeal Mainainable ? How one can maintain appeal without deposit of money ordered .
Dear Sir,
When local Govt., sick industry closed its activites for a period of 3 years, then it was sold by private organisation through open bid offered by local Govt.
The local Govt., declared layoff compensation for closed period of 3 years.
While paying the Layoff compensation the local Govt did not deduct the P.F contribution from employee as well as employer.
After passing of 4 years employees have approached the P.F Adulat for non deducting of P.F deductions for the received payment of Layoff compensation.
P.F. authorities also order to the said purchased private organisation to pay the due amount of P.F on payment of Layoff compensation.
1. My question is whether Layoff compensation comes under the wages
2. will the present employer has to pay the due amount of P.F
3.Have any court orders issued relating tp the recovery of P.F deductions while payment of Layoff compensation
As per my company's PF rule which is pvt trust, I can't discontinue my voluntary PF contribution in between the financial year. Could you please let me know whether I can challenge valadity of such conditions ? Thanks ?
The employer has deducted both of shares of contribution from the salary of the employee. Is it a illegal deduction under the PW Act?
can a worker file a case who is getting Rs 8,500/pm, and not paid his salary for three months continuously? what is wage limit and what is the notification in this respect ?
salary outstandingand PF due
sir, i was working with a mutimedia (advertisement agency) just 2 months after joining we got to know that the financial condition of the company is very bad and it started pending expense vouchers , salary etc etc , arounf 18 members have left the company dur to the same , and after 8 months of leaving the company our 2 months salary is pending , the owner just gives assurance that i will settle your dues, but no action now we are all fedup with these promises , and we have came to know that the PF deducted from our salary is also not submitted to the PF office as well as our TDS too, the company belongs to some film industry people and they have money too we dont know why they are doing this ,
please suggest what is the fastest and best mode to get our dues