I am working in a pharma company.1 Year back I was working with a capacity of Zonal Sales Manager i.e 3rd Line Manager. Company changed its structure and sent me back to the field as a Trainee Sales Manager which is 2nd Line position with a clause if not performed will be reverted as a Business Manager which is 1st Line manager.
I retained business in good condition for 2 months and in 3rd month gone negative growth.Since the beginning of 4th month my senior did not allowed me to take meeting of juniors for development of business. Neither he acted upon the given suggestions for business improvements.
I were given demotions and sent to Vashi area which is far from my home. They thought that i will leave the company,but i did not. I conveyed to my talking to other that i will not leave the company i am ready to work at a lowest post also and it will be the defeat of company and not mine.
My immediate seniors tried to harrase me but i did not responded and kept on working. It has passed 9 months working as a demoted person but i am getting good salary 60000/-Per Month and I know that company can not remove me unless i do any unethical or nondisciplinary issues.
I am fighting for my survival in company
should i Continue with fighting spirit or should i change the company.
Company has policy to remove old people who have got good salary package by demotions or transfer. If they will transfer me in other state as per company policy they need to give me Additional HRA of 12000/Per Month.
What should i do ? How to prevent harrasment ?
My husband wants divorcee from me
i m from mumbai married in delhi in 1999 i hav two children daughter 10 yrs old and son 3 1/2 years. basically the problem was there with my family that they were greedy for money from start itself but i hav not tell anything to my family. but last two months back i ran with one man and was out of home without giving any information to anyone as he has done some tantrik vidhya on me i trusted that man because he was a good friend of mine. but i dont hav idea that by this way he can spoil my life. now my inlaws are not ready to accept me and my both kids are with them only. but i realise my mistake and i want to start my life with my husband and with my childrens again .
so, please suggest me what i hav do as they are demanding divorcee and i dont want to give divorcee. whether i can get my husband and child or only childrens with me
they came here and we hav a meeting with them but my grand mother in law who is the head of the family is telling now that they are selling the delhi property and they wants that i and my husband can leave together on only one condition that i hav to set my husband on my responsibility by purchasing home an setting into business they are not ready to give any single rupee and i m now helpless as i m here in mumbai with my brother and my parents hav expired and we are from middle class. so how i can buy a house and arrange money for business in short they are indirectly demanding dowry fom me as they are habituated from last 11 years.
plz help me.