coparcner right in jointfamily partnershipbusiness regestred
(Querist) 12 July 2009
This query is : Resolved
Sir, Partnership business regestred under Indian partnership act.The said partnership business started with jointfamily neucles,with family members alown with my father and his brothers and no strangers,with jointfamily assitens, with jointfamily fund.And countuned,brothers of my father reliqused thier rights in favour of my father. The said partnership business countuned with my father,myself,and my brother. My father died interstat in 2008.In 2006 my father has brought funds from sale of jointfamily property along with his brothers and invested in the said partnership business.Now my sisters/daughters has sent notice claiming equal right in the partnership business.1)my query is will the daughter get equal right in the partner ship business? sience the said partnership business started with jointfamily neucles, with jointfamily funds. Sir please kindly guid me sir. We belong to hindu religion.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao
(Expert) 12 July 2009
You say that the Fund to start the Business is Joint Family Fund /Ancestral Fund !
Ancestral Proeprty /Joint family proerty includes Immoveable & immoveable and also Joitn family Business assets
Jayashree Hariharan
(Expert) 13 July 2009
S, surely, immaterial whether they are married or not.
(Querist) 13 July 2009
Any others epert openien in this regard,please guid me sir