DPE, dept of public enterprises, applicable on bank employee
Praveen Kumar
(Querist) 18 June 2014
This query is : Resolved
Whether bank employees are governed by dept of public enterprises, DPE?
I'm working in a public sector nationalized bank and I've been offered a better opportunity in another public sector nationalized bank. However, I have a bond of rupees two lakh with my present employer, which I have to pay if I leave the job before 3 years of service. I've completed one and a half year only so far.
I read a circular of DPE dated 29th July 2004 according to which the bond is transferable from one govt job to another.
I wanna all the experts whether this circular is applicable to banks as well? Can I enjoy the benefit of it?
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 19 June 2014
Public sector Banks are not covered.
List of PSU is available at:
malipeddi jaggarao
(Expert) 19 June 2014
Mr.Praveen Kumar - first of all while you are seeking advice from experts you should mind your language.
As regards your query, public sector banks are individual entities and no such transfer facility is available to you. Either you will have to wait till the bond period is over or you have refund the bond money if you choose to leave the organisation before the stipulated bond period.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 22 June 2014
Well said by Mr. Malipeddi Jagga Rao. The Banks are individual entities, so you have to follow the conditions contained in the offer/appointment letter.