Vipul Somani
(Querist) 21 September 2012
This query is : Resolved
Environmental Impact Assessment Certificate, was obtained after the completion of the building construction. Can the builder be suied for not taking Certificate before starting the construction activities.
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 21 September 2012
Once it is obtained there should not be any problem in future unless it is shown that there was any gross irregularity in getting it flouting major norms.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 22 September 2012
no, he cannot be sued.
(Expert) 22 September 2012
Would you like to reply the following three questions?
1) Why you want to sue the builder now any why you did not prefer to sue him before start of construction?
2) Could you assess the likely impact beforehand on environment on account of the remains of malba/ debris/ spoilage that would exist on completion of the building?
3) When the Environmental IMPACT Assessment Certificate on account of any event is prescribed to be issued, whether before or after the occurence of the event? In other words, when the impact of the actual contruction can be felt on environment?
However, if you are litigation saavy, you can sue anybody any time for any reason, whatsoever.
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