Max non occupancy charges chargeble currently
(Querist) 04 July 2012
This query is : Resolved
4 July 12
Dear Sir,
Non Occupancy Charges - Can I know what is the present status please. My Co-op Hsg Society has been charging me 5000 pm for Leasing Out whereas they were charging Owners 1200. Last year they increased it to 10000 pm for me and 1800 pm for Owners.
Also the Society is charging exhorbitant Transfer Fees in Lakhs. What are the max amount they can charge?
Can I take this matter up legally and also claim a refund of NOC for the past no of years? If so, whom should I approach??
Thank you
Cmde. M Gopal Rao, In, Rtd.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 04 July 2012
maximum transfer charges is rs 25,000 .
non occupancy charges is 10%of maintenace charges . society is carrying out affiars contrary to provisions of MCS act . move cooperative court against society