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purchasing of land from dohlidar in haryana

(Querist) 20 October 2015 This query is : Resolved 
Sir rajput A donated one care land in 1986 to brahmin B in haryana mahendargarh district. B sold land to me at same time on registered degree. We obtain the signature of borth parties A and B on degree. But after one month only B filed a case in district court against me that donated land could not be sold and challenged my degree. The lower court didn't accept my degree and failed the degree in2002. Then we filed an apppeal in high court Chandigarh against the lower court decision and same is still pending in high court. The intkal of land is still on name of A. Now B wants to get agreement with us for some rupees and want to give land to us. Now my question is whether this agreement is possible and if yes then would my degree will be valid and land can be transferred on my name by this degree? Second the propriety rights act 2011 of haryana govt could effect my case?
P. Venu (Expert) 21 October 2015
What is the relevance of 'rajput' and 'brahmin'?
Manish Kumar (Querist) 21 October 2015
Nothing just cast relevance. U can avoid these words.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 21 October 2015
Discuss with your lawyer who is well aware of all the facts and contents of case file.
K.S.Srinivas (Expert) 21 October 2015
Consult a Lawyer.
Manish Kumar (Querist) 22 October 2015
But my lawer is not telling me any thing and asks us come again and again to his office. And each time he takes around ten thousand rupees from me and every time says that ur case will be settled this time. But nothing happens and just loss to me. So I want to know exact rule position so that I can take decision either to Carry forward the case or leave it. I don't understand why lawyer doesn't tell the rule position to his client and same thing u r repeating. I briefed all history of my case and for any more information please give me ur number I will contact. I hope a little more from this forum at my this juncture.
P. Venu (Expert) 22 October 2015
I feel that you have got some facts wrong. Is it a "registered degree" or "registered deed"? Who had filed the case against sale of land "A" or "B"? If it is B, it amounts to cheating as it is he who had sold you the land.
Manish Kumar (Querist) 22 October 2015
Ya it is registered degree and B has filed the case who only sold land to me. It is case of cheating. But now B wants to have an agreement with me and saying I will quit my case on some cost. I also agree but want to whether this agreement is possible or not. Can this donated land transfer on my name on the basis of this registered degree and in future can B again file a case on the same basebase?
Manish Kumar (Querist) 31 October 2015
Can u appoint an advocate for my mutual agreement in high court chandigarh for above mentioned case.

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