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second marriage

(Querist) 04 March 2011 This query is : Resolved 
can i marry a person who is already married and his wife committed suicide, he is having a child also.
he is facing ipc 498A,306,417 charges against him.
if i marry him do i and my family face any law related problems in future.

please advise me...
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 04 March 2011
Since he is a widower , you can definitely marry him and if you are not already made an accused person in that case then the merit or fall out of the said case has nothing to do with you in future.
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 04 March 2011
His first wife is no more, he can marry another girl.
Chanchal Nag Chowdhury (Expert) 04 March 2011
No problem under Marriage Act but may not be so under IPC. where the case against your would-be husband may get stronger as U may be exhibited as a cause for which he has committed the crime.
rinku (Querist) 04 March 2011
thanks for ur replies
@ chanchal nag chowdhury
if iam exhibited as a cause for the crime what will be the future.
Dayananda Gowda (Expert) 04 March 2011
you may be marry after the completion of trail
Sanjeevappa. L (Expert) 04 March 2011
my advice is please wait untill the disposal of the crimal case. Otherwise it will leads unnecessary complication to criminal case.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 04 March 2011
You can get marriage with such person without any hesitation.
rinku (Querist) 04 March 2011
thanks for ur expert replies

i studied the case papers which was filed by her parents against him that “he tortured her for money and also in order to marry another lady’.
my doubt is if i marry him is there any chance that HER parents can file a case againt me and my parents involving in her suicide and is there any possibilty that HIS parents may escape from this by involving me as the main reason for her suicide and involving me and my family in any of the following IPC sections 498(A), 417,306.

when i asked him the same question he said there is no need to worry, can i trust him in this regard. i am worried about my future.

please advice...
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 04 March 2011
No, there is no way his ex in laws can implicate you now , if at the time of his wife's death you were not known to him.
rinku (Querist) 05 March 2011
thanks for ur expert advice

is there any possibility for his ex in laws to drag me into this by stating that i know him at the time of her death, if so how can i prove that i dont know him at the time of his wife's death.

please advice...
mahendrakumar (Expert) 05 March 2011
dear rinku,

You asked whether you can trust him?

It is a very difficult question to answer by anyone here unless,we know the real facts leading to the suicide of his first wife.

try to verify,whether he was really torturing his first wife as alleged.
Advocate. Arunagiri (Expert) 05 March 2011
Legaly there is no problem for the marriage. But dragging you in the case depends upon the facts and circumstances.
Uma parameswaran (Expert) 05 March 2011
Try to aviod marriage till the disposal of the case.
a.manoharan (Expert) 05 March 2011
hai miss ringu. come out with all particulars once. both of u have relations at the time of suicide. when suicide happened? after your connections? what about the witness' deposition which indicate U ? If so , keep wait untill the disposal of the crimal case. Otherwise it will leads unnecessary complication to criminal case.
Are u ready to rear that motherless child without any discrimination ? whether the deceased parents will admit that? take good decision depending on real facts. nothing is to be concealed with both advocates and doctor. because, in the both cases , case shall go off.
Dayananda Gowda (Expert) 05 March 2011
If you are married him during the pendancy of criminal cases, there is possibility of he will be put to trouble to get out from the charge on him. so wait until disposal of cases
Tajobsindia (Expert) 06 March 2011
Wait till cases get finished against him and or upon other persons arreyed in the case. It is but precarious phase right now. I agree to Arunagiri.
indrajit mukhopadhyay (Expert) 06 March 2011
there is no problem in case of marrying.
no question of facing trial, be sure.

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