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sudden resignation

(Querist) 10 January 2011 This query is : Resolved 
i am working in public sector bank & now want to join other govt sec.job. so i have to put sudden resignation to for the banking service.the bank official says that i hav to pay one month salary for not given one month notice to resign. kindly guide what as i am not aware of banking rules regarding resignation.

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 10 January 2011
Was their any agreement between you and the bank at the time of joining?
mahendrakumar (Expert) 10 January 2011
details of employment will be mentioned in your appointment letter or any other agreement signed between you and the bank.

It is a general practice in insisting of one notice or in lieu one month salary agt the time of resignation.
M V Gupta (Expert) 10 January 2011
What your Bank's Official said is correct.All public sector banks have staff rules which lay down the service conditions which are binding on all employees. The rules provide that if an employee wants to resign from service he should give one months notice or pay in lieu therof. If you are not aware of the Rules pl ask for the same and go through. All appointment letters issued by the Public sector banks do mention that you will be governed by the Banks Staff Rules.
malipeddi jaggarao (Expert) 10 January 2011
Your appointment is governed by the bipartite agreement between the workmen unions and the IBA. There will be amention about tis in your appointment letter. As per bipartite one month notice is necessary upon resignation. You may have to pay the equivalent amount to get yourself relieved immediately. Even in either case, to get a relieving letter from your bank will take some time. it has to come from the respective administrative office. Your Branch Manager can not give your relieving letter without authorisation from the administrative office. you are advised to explore the possibility of obtaining permission to join in the new organisation after one month and on their assurance (even orally) you serve one month notice on the bank and after expiry of notice period you can join in your new organisation.
Kamal Prasoon Sinha (Expert) 12 January 2011
Dear Mr. Raman,

Plz let us know whether you are working in Management grade or clearical grade because certain service conditions are different for both these cadre.

Kamal Prasoon Sinha
Advocate. Arunagiri (Expert) 12 January 2011
If there is any notice period you have to give notice or in lieu of that.

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