Transffer of propoerty
(Querist) 24 June 2015
This query is : Resolved
My grandmother owned a property in mumbai; she died 3 years back.
On the said property nominee was my uncle; now on mutual consent the said property is to be transffer in name of my father even though he is not nominee There is no will.
whether it is possible ?? whether we have to pay stamp duty or not???
Please reply
We are submiting noc,indemnity bond.. any other requirement??
Hemant Agarwal
(Expert) 27 June 2015
1. A "immovable" property (Flat) in Mumbai CANNOT be lawfully transferred to anybody, IF there is no registered will.
2. The legal heirs /beneficiaries have to apply for a "letter of administration" from High Court, to lawfully transfer the "title-ownership" of the "immovable" property (Flat) to the legal heirs /beneficiaries. NOC or Bond etc.... are invalid documents in this case for transfer the "immovable" property (Flat).
Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal