We are having a troubled marriage and has been married for almost 4 yrs. My wife is in no mood to acept my family even though we had an arrianged marriage. I stay separately with my wife and a lovely 2 year old daughter away from my hometown. Every time she visits my family there ought to be some serious trouble. Honestly I find no fault of my parents. She dislikes my closeness with my family and taunts me regularly verbally and even over sms.
My visit to my parents brings her to boil. When we fight she threatens me that she will lodge police complaint and report torture against me. I have always maintained my cool and have never assaulted her. The worst I did was to hold her mouth while she was screeming.
I have intentionally kept her away from my family for the last 2 months so a to avoid any trouble. I am not able to take this humiliation any further. Please suggest what steps should I take.