I am going to buy a flat with no brs scheme and then even I get to know that if there is no brs then u can even do a registration of such property,now the owner wants me to purchase the flat on notary and as soon as brs scheme get open he will get his building regularised and then i can do registration of my flat with the notary papers. What should I do now...?
The owner of this building is one of my father's friend and a good person from heart and his all legal titles are clear such as land registry and tax assessment like this stuff.( I am saying this because the owner is trustable)
And second thing is the apartment is constructed upto 5 floors which is not allowed, generally there is allowed only upto 3 floors in that area.so what would be the chances of brs getting accepted ..
With the above consequences should I proceed to buy this flat or not.... help me out it's urgent