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Swami Sadashiva Brahmendra Sar (Nil)     01 May 2009

Child beaten to death by parents.

A seven yr child was beaten to death by her parents . reason - Rs.20/- out of 1000/- was missing from thier wallet. now parents are in jail and thier remaining 4 siblings with maternal uncle or may be on road. full report can be seen in allahabad news of news papers dt. 20th April,2009.can any body sugest as to what punishment should be awarded to accused and how the welfare of their living siblings should be taken care of ?

 3 Replies

K.C.Suresh (Advocate)     02 May 2009

Sir, There are so many voluntaory organisations which can move fopr the protection of the children. But what the law can do for a murder case just to remand and then give bail if reasonable. Blind the law is sir. It has to be blind. When go the reality it will favour and waver. So let it be blind.

Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Advocate )     02 May 2009

Shri Suresh U r right

The Welfare of the remainign Children o f the said parents is important  and  oncern of the Society

Apperently it gives a colour that parents  were very harsh/rude /ruough  ,  Parents never beat the child to kill him , but  to set right him , rectify him, for his  welfare and good behhavoir, for  marals   , it appears the saem unfortunatly resulted in to dath of Boy . The parents  can  punish the parents. 

Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Advocate )     02 May 2009

Shri Suresh U r Right

The Welfare of the Remaining Children of the said Parents is important and concenr of the Society

Apperently it gives a colour that Parents were  very harsh/Rude /rough .Parents never beat the child to kill  him, but to set rigth him , rectify him, for  his Welfare and Good behaviour  & morals , it appears the same  unfortunatly resulted in to death of Boy .The Parents  can punish   the  child  !      or The Parents  can Not  punish   the  child  !




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