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sivakumar.k   21 February 2016 at 06:12



channa keshava   20 March 2015 at 13:38

St & vat

Dear Sir,
I bought an under construction Flat for Rs.38 lakhs, including all taxes in Bengaluru in May 2013, it is still under construction and it may take another 2-3 months time to completion. I have already paid 80% of total value.

Could you please let me know is there any changes in ST & VAT in Bengaluru from April 1, 2015. If any changes I have to pay only for balance amount right? Please advice.

Thanks & Regards,

sunit kumar   20 March 2015 at 12:19

Cheated by person in government job activity

dear sir,
i wanted to conform ,
is there will be any problem need to face if i will lodge FIR against my case ?
bcoz i am little worry if POLICE will ask to me why i given money for government jobs to my friend? bcoz this is also against law to give money to any one for this kind of activity ???
that time what should we need to do.??

Note - i did all payment through Deposit in Bank and Cheque


Ramesh   19 March 2015 at 18:34

In a lease deed boundaries are not mentioned.

Dear Experts of the forum,
In a lease deed (Inam Land) my Grand Father did not mentioned boundaries and the extent of the land; which was leased (for aa chandrarkam, permanent lease) to a person Mr.'X' in the year 1935, but only some land marks are mentioned. But,after the death of Mr.'X' his wife leased the same land in the year 1948,to a person Mr.'Y', clearly stating that this land was obtained from my Grand Father on lease. And this lease deed contains the extent of the land and its boundaries clearly.
My grand Father gave only Ac 7 07 gts, out of Ac 49 38 gts. The case is going on for last 45 years. some times we won ,some times they manged in the different forums.
The problem we are facing is our grand Fathers lease deed; where extent and boundaries are not mentioned only land marks are given.

Please ,Please suggest me a way out for this problem, for which act i will be ever thankful to YOU and the FORUM.

M.M.SURANA   19 March 2015 at 17:31


Dear Friends, I m tenant in house. I sent the rent to my land lord for the month of Feb 15 by MO but they refused. I came to understand through people my building has been sold to someone else, hence they refused . by so fat they have not informe about this matter that it has been sold. they knowingly doi8ng this act to get it vacate. pl advise me.

kishorchandra p mehta   19 March 2015 at 13:16

Deductions on home loan


I would like to have guidance in connection
with following :

I have purchased flat and have paid majority amount and last and final amount is to be paid now as the flats are ready and builder is ready to give possession in this month of March,2015 but it is likely that the registered sale deed (Registration)may take some time and therefore if I get the Registered sale deed in April,2015 (though I have paid entire amount in March, 2015 and have obtained possession letter also in March 2015)in that case whether I will be able to claim deductions of Principal Amount of loan and interest of Home Loan during the F.Y.ending 31.3.2015 ?
Kindly guide me at the earliest.

Thanking you, K.P.Mehta.

sivakumar.k   09 March 2015 at 17:03


whther auditor practicing person van practice law

gopal   05 May 2014 at 09:40

Regarding vakkalat

Most Respectable Experts,

my father is willing to file case in consumer commission. i am going to file on behalf of him. in this situation,

do i Have to submit Vakkalt in the commission on behalf of my father.

kindly guide me.

thanks and regards

JEGADEESAN   04 May 2014 at 22:11

Fraud sale deed reg

Dear Sir,
I wish to clarify doubt regarding Fraud sale Deed.

Mr.Raman bought a property in 1963 & he died in 1997.He has 5 Children (3 Female+2Male) Namely A, B, C , D ,E .After that one of the son(C) sale his share of property but he has got the sign from other persons in the sale deed with the intention of cheating others(i.e. create the sale deed like all of them sale the land jointly).Further this issues has been noted by the legal heir of Other person's(A, B, D, E) children(Grand Children of Raman) & bring to the case to the court.
a)Now what will be the judgement?

b)If there is any rights to the grand children of Raman (other Four Person's Children)regarding the sale of land?
i.e. Is it require the sign of grand children also while they are major at the time of Sale Deed execution?

c)What will be the judgement if the Buyer of the Property explained in the court like the amount fully given to the one person (Son-C)& get the sign from others for safe?

Kindly Clarify the above doubt.

SK   28 October 2013 at 13:57

Cctv survillance cameras

My opposite neigbhour has installed 5 CCTV camera's on his house premise and one of the camera points straight into my house. First of all we are not in good terms & I need to know if it is legal for my neighbour to direct his CCTV camera striaght to my home. I do understand in terms of security on his property it is rightful, but overall one of the camera points striaght to my main door. Can anyone help me on this topic?