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AV   16 March 2016

Mental harassment from husband

Hi all. I have been married for the past one and a half years and I have not been peaceful a single day. My husband and his parents expect me to be a slave. In front of my father they do drama, behind his back they show their true faces. His dad forced us to do an extremely grand wedding (70 lakhs) even after we told it's too much for us. He said you are upper middle class, what is your problem? This man has not been working for the past 16 years. Sitting at home and gossiping day and night. His mother has never fed me properly when my husband is not around. She gave me food very late and did not give me enough. She would not let me cook because she gets jealous if my husband likes it. Then they complain I'm not doing anything at home to my parents. My mother in law has also stolen money from my purse many times, and behaves like she is very good. She has even forced us to buy expensive sarees for her. (I've never seen anyone more greedy than her in my entire life). She keeps asking which house is for me and which house is for my sister. This worries my mother and grandmother as they will ask for it. They both lie to my husband about me along with my sister in law. They have also lied about me to my father. They lied about my mother to my father so now there is a rift between my parents. My husband does not let me talk to anyone. He cut me off from my friends long back. Slowly he stopped me from speaking to my relatives, cousins and ultimately my sister and my parents. He does not allow me to go anywhere. He verbally abused me and tells me I should be okay with it. His dad teaches him that. His dad says he calls his wife b*st*rd and she shuts her mouth and goes. He says if his wife didn't give him s*x, he will drag her by her hair and force her to do it. He teaches this to his son and tells me I should also be like that. He says husband can do anything he wants to the wife, the wife should always keep quiet. My husband tells me not to get angry. He tells me I should not cry. If I cannot express myself as a human being, what's the use? He does not like the fact that I'm more intelligent than him or talented than him, so he suppresses me. He does not let me even go out for a walk. He keeps prying on my phone to see what messages or calls I get. He expects me to fall at his feet. He has given me bruises on my body, and when I show him, he gets angry. He irritates me till I get angry and then complains that I'm getting angry. Now because I've shouted , they are saying I am crazy. I had told him about a previous failed relationship before marriage. He agreed to marry me after that. But after marriage, he screws with my head so much and ultimately he says if I divorce him, he will publicly expose my past. He has even threatened to make a movie about it (since his brother in law is in cine field). They have also asked me to sign and give them, that if anything happens to me, they are not responsible. Right now he is abroad and I am staying with my mother. They have been calling and harassing my father. Now he wants to come down here and talk. I am sure he will come here and cause trouble. Can I file a harassment case against him? And his parents? What happens then? What happens when he gets bail? How will the process proceed? Please advise.

 6 Replies

Adv. Yogen Kakade (+ 91 9225510883)     16 March 2016

Considering the circumstances.. it seems that the relation between you and your husband has been stretched to a lot extent. You can certainly file a cae of harassment against him.. but you have to collect strong and justified evidences for the same. There are so many other ways to get the relief. It is advisable to consult a smart lawyer with all the details to guide you.

Adv. Yogen Kakade

Jurycon Incorporation

Advocates & Consultants
Web:   Call: 020-65248888, 09225510883


saravanan s (legal advisor)     16 March 2016

you may file a dv case on your husband and can ask him to provide a seperate accomodation for you, monetary relief, custody order ( in case if you have got a child), protection order ( to stop your inlaws from coming to your house).you have to caontact the caw cell or the protection officer of your district to proceed further.

you can also file him under sec 498a,406 etc which is a criminal offence.but that would defenitely signal the end of your matrimonial if you are ready for that you can proceed.

AV   16 March 2016

Thank you very much for your replies. I searched for section 406.. it says criminal breach of trust. What can come under this in my situation ?


498a, 406, DV are of no use.  These laws have been originaly made for benefit of women who have been victimised, but going by the court procedures and pending cases, you will simply file case and case will keep going on like mega serial.  In the end, what will happen it cannot be predicted as lot of variables involved, you, your husband, your respective famlies, lawyers, judges, court vacation, society and more over time which keeps changing.


Its advisable to go for Mutual Consent Divorce and get divorce in 6 months and save yourself from furture troubles of attending courts cases.


Living like this is not what a person gets married for.  Marriage calls for dignified living and I see no dignity in leading a life which is so horrible.  You straighaway go ahead and file divorce under 13b.

Vijay Raj Mahajan (Advocate)     16 March 2016

Mistake no.1 on your part, agreed to spent Rs70 lakhs on marriage on their demand. Mistake no. 2 you agreed to their unrealistic demands to save your marriage and reputation. Mistake no.3 you agreed to stay with parents in laws despite their stupid behaviour in absence of you husband and never insisted for separate place of residence away from them. Mistake no.4 you want to take opinion of people here who may be victim of domestic or matrimonial disputes and not necessarily practing lawyers. Think of ending the marriage if your husband is not ready to provide you separate place as matrimonial home away from his parents and provide you sufficient amount of financial maintenance every month. Move towards seeking monthly maintenance from your husband now followed by other steps later on.

Narendra (service)     22 March 2016

These lawyers here are quick to suggest filing all WOMEN laws against MEN. Just ask them do MEN have any of the priviledges you aregoing to give this to woman complaintant here?

They have only listened to one side version only and are quick to suggest the SINISTER remedy against a man to this woman!

No doubt you lawyers are actually responsible and party to MEN's plight under one sided laws

Only gave reply which is sensible.

HOW MANY WOMEN YOU GUYS HAVE PROSECUTED if the case came out to be FALSE is my question to lawyers responding here???


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